how stable is Vista / Windows 7 64bit..??

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i have 2gb x 2 sticks. I need to fully utilize it. Please tell me which option to go...
1. vista 64bit

2. windows 7 64bit 9Transporter 3 (pre beta)

3. win 08 (which version to use?)

vista / seven i need to know any driver issues i might have, any services left out, software incompatibility, security issues, gaming issues...

hope the 64bit users might pitch in and clarify

Vista x64 is very, VERY stable. It's the most stable OS I've used on a consistent basis. You can't go wrong with it.

Just make sure you can find drivers for all your hardware. You can't use 32-bit drivers with x64.

Have fun with it...
Using it too...Its quite stable and is a bit faster than 32 bit counterparts in the OS performance. U'll feel that when u move from 32bit Vista to 64 bit Vista.

U'll get drivers for like all hardware unless its very very old. Software compatibility is none as far as the software is developed for Vista which most of the softwares are.

But, one area where u'll face problems is the Codecs area.
If u use Core-AVC and AC3 Filter, u won't find the 64bit codecs of these and hence Windows Media Center would not work properly.

A workaround is to install fddshow but it's CPU intensive than CoreAVC. Well, other than Media Center u won't face problems in running any file coz Windows Media Player will still be able to use 32 bit drivers. So, just miss out on Windows Media Center.
^^ +1 for the above 2 posts :)

Been using it for almost a year and not once did it quit on me. All the major drivers and apps be it 32bit or native 64bit versions work like a charm. Highly recommended.
ok. so drivers wont be an issue as i have 64bit drivers...

codec, any workaround for media center, i use it to view all my dvdrips and other files apart from wmv ones

what about the gaming front...??? how good is it when using virtualization..??

Go for Vista x64 eyes closed since you have all the drivers available.
Good news for you is, Xvid 1.2 was just released today with complete Win64 compatibility. Also, you can always use KMPlayer to watch all the videos you want.

Don't waste your time on Windows 7 right now as i did not find it to be stable yet. You would be better off on Vista x64.
Is 2gb ram enough for a switch to Vista X64 without compromising on performance w.r.t. XP SP3??
but any workaround for media player functionality..??? inputs on gaming...

@mithun: 2gb ram is fine enough, although less for gaming, encoding and graphics work...

Did you folks order the 64bit version of Vista separately from MS? or id you manage to get a copy from else where? (am looking for the 64 bit version but haven't been able to get so far:().
Boot_Comp said:
Did you folks order the 64bit version of Vista separately from MS? or id you manage to get a copy from else where? (am looking for the 64 bit version but haven't been able to get so far:().

do you want us to be honest..???:rofl: :rofl: yeah, we ordered it from MS... :bleh:

of the record, availibility of Vista 64bit is much better than xp 64bit...:clap:
neomustdie said:
but any workaround for media player functionality..??? inputs on gaming...



If u don't use HD, then u should be fine with just ffdshow and XviD. U can play all ur dvd rips and so on videos. Even mkv's in Media Center.

Gaming wise, Vista 64 is better if u have 4GB RAM, since system responsiveness is better with the little extra RAM used.

Anyway, Vista would be faster than XP in most recent games like Crysis Warhead, FarCry2 and so on. But expect it to be slower on synthetic benchmarks like 3D Mark 06 since they were optimized for XP.
vista x64 and not a single crash so far frm past 1 year(in dec will complete a year).....

jus make sure enough ram and decent gfx card plus atleast a single 500 giga make sure of enough space
Anish said:
Just make sure you get Vista x64 with SP1 integrated or install SP1.

Vista w/o SP1 = NIGHTMARE.

+1 for 32 or 64 bit without service pack one was terror... sudden boot freezes, no boots etc etc etc
neomustdie said:
+1 for 32 or 64 bit without service pack one was terror... sudden boot freezes, no boots etc etc etc

I strongly disagree.

I used Vista 32bit for nearly a year, and continued using it without SP1 after it came out. I installed SP1 when I moved up to x64 a few months ago. The only major difference is that I don't need to use TeraCopy for file transfers anymore. And x64 boots a bit faster...

Having said that... there is no good reason to continue using Vista without SP1.
dont go for server versions for desktops....u'll have tuff time finding antivirus/ versions of anti-virus/firewalls r made for domestic/home purposes...Server editions r not..
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