How to build the best paper airplane in the world

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SuperNova said:
man you sure having free time at work:tongue:

btw this defender looks a bit complicated. esp that x mark. gotta do it in the evening:P

grt thread this. super stuff
I'm a Stationary Engineer in the real world. As long as there isn't any problems with the boilers and other machinery I end up with free time between readings. LoL
I actually used the executive bond paper. (Yaa only once) and believe me it was a super flight, Maybe cos it was a bit heavier but tell ya what, this thing needs quality material allright :P So what its paper plane ... :P
if u r using blank unsused BOND paper for paper planes...
do send me a few too:tongue:
i would like to try it out..
I have made a modification to the Defender. You fold the nose at just where the wings start then you tuck it inside. This will put more wieght under the wings and reduces nose dives and makes for even longer flights.
a heavier paper also helps. I have been experimenting with different papers. Usually the copier papers give me the longest flight
Speakin Of Such Innovations... Have A Look At This...


How To Do This 2 Ur Mouse...
as stupid as that sounds.... a friend of mine phoned me to say that this was the best thread on TE :P

After a long time i am reminded of the old passion.. and havta agree with him... So Nitnay any more bombers you made in office :P
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