How to bypass Twitter's "See more Tweets from" and "See what's happening" prompts


For a while now i've seen this message pop up when scrolling through some one's twitter time line. This happens only if you're not signed in to twitter.

You see maybe 10 tweets and BAM! you get hit with that message and you can read no further unless you sign in.

He talks about using some extension. But there was an easier solution in the comments and will work if you already have the uBlock Orgin extension installed

Open the dashboard for the uBlock Origin extension and add the below code snippet to the ‘My Filters’ tab

Code: div[data-testid=”sheetDialog”]:upward(div[role=”group”][tabindex=”0″]) auto !important;)

And then "apply Changes' and you're done

You see that window popup just once and quickly disappear but you can continue to read the timeline :woot:
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So, went to his twitter page and it still works for me. The window pops up and then goes away as with others on twitter

Using Chrome

uBlock Origin 1.41.8
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To do away with the enforced login with Instagram use either of these websites and enter in your instgram person's name

It takes some time for the images to appear as well as comments.

I like how posts are displayed on the date they were made instead of this default on many social media sites in so many weeks, months and years ago.
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How to search for certain words in all the user comments of a youtube video ?

You remember seeing this comment some time ago from that video you saw and can't find it any more. But you remember some terms.

For some videos there may be thousands of comments. Scrolling to the bottom and then doing a text search is time consuming if even feasible.

Enter the video title and then it will give you some results. Pick the video you want and click 'search this video' that will search within all the comments of that video.

What if you wanted a more broader search ? search for a term among all comments of all the videos from a channel. Or search an ENTIRE channels comments for certain words.

You cannot remember the video title but you remember the channel name.

Enter the channel name. And then select the channel from the results and choose option 'Search all videos' to enter your search terms for the entire channel

Very handy :)
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Google removed the sort by oldest in YT, here is an extension that brings it back. It automatically scrolls to the oldest video. Takes time. On channels with a lot of videos, just let it run in the background and come back later


Was trying to find a video I knew was made before 2015 but how to find it....:grumpy:

Tried various search terms and after going through a list of over a hundred gave up. Their filter tools were not very useful either.

Did not know about these 'search operator terms' you can use for youtube. Very handy when looking for specific videos

<search term> before:2015

BAM! There it was, the first video in the list. Wow :woot:

Was trying to find a video I knew was made before 2015 but how to find it....:grumpy:

Tried various search terms and after going through a list of over a hundred gave up and decided to use these operators. Their filter tools were not very useful either.

Did not know these operators for youtube. Very handy when looking for specific videos

<search term> before:2015

BAM! There it was, the first video in the list. Wow :woot:
Yes, youtube search is indeed frustrating and I have to use some of these operators -
Yes, youtube search is indeed frustrating and I have to use some of these operators -
Hah I missed that topic but I see you used the exact same link :happy:

I wonder if we can change the title of this thread to

'African prayer incantations for web success'
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