Monitors How to Clean an LCD?

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First off, you should refrain from using COLIN and other solvents in the first place! The panel is not made of glass unlike your tabletop. Use a microfiber cloth to remove any dust and use an old handkerchief or a disposed old tee which's essentially dust-free and lint-free, dampen it and wipe the screen in a circular motion.
Buy Rs. 35 isopropyl alcohol, cotton and yellow cleaning cloth. Clean with cotton dipped in isopropyl alcohol, wipe it with soft yellow cloth. It will be super clean. isopropyl alcohol will dry on its own and very fast.
Get an lcd cleaning kit from some local computer shop.

It contains the cleaning liquid and microfiber cloth.
Punker said:
Guys plz tell me how shld i clean screen of my LCD monitor. I have Dell S2409W n have tried water and Colin but i can still see spots on screen. Please advice me wat shld i use so that screen can be cleaned properly......

How can that be possible? I clean my S2409W with a slightly wet cloth and it's spotless and clean as new. I have never used colin or any other solvent ever in my life on any of my screens. Water does the job just fine. Have you tried applying a slight pressure (not too much) while wiping?
Any chemist shop.

Punker said:
from where can i get isopropyl alcohol?

I don't know if it is bad but i use it only when really needed on LCDs. It works great, my LCD is almost 2 yrs old and i am yet to use it on this one, haven't cleaned it yet. So use it only when required.

alcy said:
Isopropyl alcohol is not always good for LCD monitors, I guess I read on Wikipedia sometime back.
Apple specifically warn not to use IPA on their LCD panels:
How to clean Mac products
I'm guessing IPA is strong enough to take off your LCD screen's coatings.

Dell say its ok to use a diluted solution of 50% IPA / 50% water.
Dell - Technical Support

I would say you could try the diluted IPA solution just for the tough spots, but do not use it as a routine.
i bought some lcd cleaner with a cloth from lamington road a year back for 60rs. some brand called Pollonji---the bottle has stuff written in Pidgin English--which had my friend and me laughing like hell.its still there and will still last me 3 more months judging by the amount left in the bottle---it does clean the laptop and the lcd at home.i got a microfibre cloth with it but i use an old vest[baniyan] or a t shirt for better results.
you can substitute isopropyl alcohol with white vinegar.

Use a 1:1 ratio with water or 1:2 if you prefer.

I read that distilled does better than tap water as there are no minerals to leave streaks (especially if your area has hard water).
well guys today i bought this chinese cleaning kit for LCD for only 100 bucks and it's amazing, i mean all spots,fingerprints everything gone and LCD is looking as good as new....
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