Monitors How to Clean an LCD?


:) Most of the places I am reading are mentioning

1. Water or 2. A mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol in ratio1:1.

So is water okay?

Till now I just used to rub of the dirt with a soft cloth. However this is not

very successful.

Or do I need to get distilled water from a car part's shop?

Please give me your opinions and ow actually do you guys keep your's clean?
I use the Scotch Brite Microfibre Cloth:


Pretty simple; soak it with few drops of water n clean the LCD to a shine; :D

I usually dont use any cleaning liquid for that matter;
It should be; :)

Its a lot cheaper than the 3M microfibre cloth itself and yet it uses the same stuff; :p
I got the one locally available for 70 bucks. I also saw some lcd wipes for Rs 250-600 at Hypercity form Philips and HP.

In my experience water really doesn't work as well as the iso+water mix. Water tends to leave some marks. With iso its becomes spotless but where to source isoprophyl alcohol+water mixture here cheaply. Most of the small sprays cost like Rs 500 plus which is rip off.
:) I guess normal water might leave marks because of the inherent dirt etc with it....That is why the forums specifically mention distilled water...
You dont need any fancy cloths, just soft cotton material like t-shirts will work.

EMphasis on the words soft & cotton as is absorbing.

Dampen with little water and thats it.
Rahulrulez said:
^^ Lol, I use orange cloth which we use in cars :p, little amount of waters does all :D

You mean the one that you get at traffic signals?

Aahk. They leave too much lint. Actually Samsung has shipped two such cloths with my LCD.
I guess the Microfiber Cloth and Distilled Water should be best.

I once tried ISO but, it left too much white marks/layers afterwards. Had to use water to wipe that off. May be it was not pure or good quality.
ye buy the Rs. 30 scrotch brite micro-fibre cloth. It works like wonder, whether it is LCD or glasses.
In b'lore you can try and locate it a food bazar/big bazar.
Use the cloth which comes while purchasing glasses.

Dampen it and wipe very softly.

Make sure you blow off as much dust as possible before wiping.

Try not to form a spray of saliva while doing that. :p
Guys plz tell me how shld i clean screen of my LCD monitor. I have Dell S2409W n have tried water and Colin but i can still see spots on screen. Please advice me wat shld i use so that screen can be cleaned properly......


don't dip the cloth totally in water. jus a small part of it, clean n den again wipe immideaitly wit dry cloth, mine stays clean this way.. SPOTLESS.. :D