PC Peripherals How to clean dust in pc cabinet?

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The inside of my pc cabinet has become very dusty, especially the cpu fan and areas on the motherboard. What is the best way to clean it without harming the components? I bought a usb mini vacuum from ebay and it has turned out to be useless. I saw another device called "Electric Air Dryer, Portable Blower" , will that work? Any link to an online shop selling a working device will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
@cooldude576, using manual brushes and methods will be more effective than using blowers and vacuum cleaners [until it is the large home-cleaning ones]. For sticky residue that cannot be cleaned using dry methods OR other conventional options it is better that you go for an alcohol based cleaner [after shave and Vodka, Rum are fine substitutes] dabbed on a cotton swab / cleaning rag and gently rub of the residue.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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Thanks @benryu and @ALPHA17. I won't be buying the blowers then. Manual brush it is then. Btw, will there be any problem of static electricity when using the brush?
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Thanks @benryu and @ALPHA17. I won't be buying the blowers then. Manual brush it is then. Btw, will there be any problem of static electricity when using the brush?

Just ground all these components and yourself by using an anti-static bag [your hard-drive comes in one] / band. Then you shall be good to go. Cheerio!
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cooldude576, using manual brushes and methods will be more effective than using blowers and vacuum cleaners [until it is the large home-cleaning ones]. For sticky residue that cannot be cleaned using dry methods OR other conventional options it is better that you go for an alcohol based cleaner [after shave and Vodka, Rum are fine substitutes] dabbed on a cotton swab / cleaning rag and gently rub of the residue.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

Err, U gona use Vodka & Rum to clean dust :P, There are better uses.
@cooldude576, using manual brushes and methods will be more effective than using blowers and vacuum cleaners [until it is the large home-cleaning ones]. For sticky residue that cannot be cleaned using dry methods OR other conventional options it is better that you go for an alcohol based cleaner [after shave and Vodka, Rum are fine substitutes] dabbed on a cotton swab / cleaning rag and gently rub of the residue.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

Happy new year !!!
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I use the compressed air can and 2 diff sizes anti-static cleaning brushes. yearly once cleaning with one can of compressed air will do 400~500rs from ebay.in, primeabgb or theitdepot.com. (bought anti-static brushes from dealxtreme.com)

compressed air can is so effective. whereas all types of vaccum cleaner are so useless. even big blowers cant focus of small places like the air cans. if you have more stuff to clean like 2~3 pcs, TVs, home theater systems etc etc you can get a datavac air duster from amazon that is also popular for cleaning electronics.

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