How to connect 2 PCs thru LAN card?

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To disable routing, open the Control Panel | Network | Protocols | TCP/IP Protocol | Properties | Routing and clear the Enable IP Forwarding check box.

dont forget to reboot after changing settings, crtical.

but, did it ping after disablling the wins proxy.
WINS proxy didnt help me. :(
Could u tell me how to chang IP routing in XP, I opened Control panel | Network Connections | . then, where do I find Protocols? Even the Local area connection properties - TCP/IP properties doesnt have 'routing' tab
^ ok my bad, for xp use this to disable ip routing, backup the reg entry first


Select the "IPEnableRouter" entry change it to 0.

so now we have disabled both the winproxy & iprouting, so the laptop is identical to desktop in all respects, if laptop still cannot ping then go over all the steps from starting on both the machines.
Aaargh.. I can change WINS settings and IP routing of PC, but cant change that of laptop. Registry value of WINS proxy on laptop was '2' not '1'. Is it possible that some other entry should be changed for laptop? Whatever u had mentioned worked on PC.
the WINS proxy setting has been fixed.

i thought you disabled the laptop winproxy, have you or not.

now just confirm, pc = winproxy - disabled, ip routing - disabled, able to ping laptop.

laptop = winproxy - disabled, ip routing - disabled, unable to ping pc.

both using windows xp sp2 with identical protocols selected.

& ip's as and and subnet mask of

or as what renegade suggested.

no firewalls of any kind running, also disable any 3rd party firewall or a/v just to be sure.

crossover cable used, not req if you have the latest nic's.
I couldnt disable laptop winproxy. I could change that of PC.
As of now,
pc=winproxy disabled - ip routing diabled
laptop= winproxy enabled (cant change) ip routing = enabled (tried disabled also). I even tried keeping both settings enabled on PC and laptop.
ips same as u said
shutdown all a/v and firewalls
Both have broadcom netxtreme 57xx Gigabit controller and cross cable.
do have guest account enabled on your pc & laptop

also, Run local security policy editor from control panel admin tools and set the local policy,

Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users, to enabled and make sure guest account is enabled
on your pc goto control panel/user accounts, there you have guest account enabled or not, if not then enable it.
so reboot & both pc & lappy, try pinging now.

also do this on your pc.

Run local security policy editor from control panel admin tools and set the local policy,

Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users, to enabled and make sure guest account is enabled
u might still want 2 try this...... go to system properties on both machines and then to the computer name tab,there click the "Network ID" button to launch the networl identification wizard, then select the option that this computer is for home use and not a part of a business network. do it on both systems and pray 2 god for some luck...........and yes learn not to give up at all :)
^^ why don't you try from scratch...
RUn a system restore on both PCs and get them back to a date before yo strted tweaking with the registry settings....

And then do a step-by-step of the crossover cable method explained at

Why would you want to give up on this?
Setting up a home network for file sharing/gamins/Internet connection sharing is no rocket science, Many of us here have one with all kinds of topologies and Wired/wireless setups....
In fact since ur 2nd machine is a laptop, I'd have suggested you set up a wireless network but for the fact that you probably need to get wired setup working first

BTW, after doing the sytem restore, run services.msc from the command line, and make sure that your network services and DHCP server are enabled...If you want, I can post step-by-step guide
Thank you so much for those inspiring words.. I've tried the tutorial.. infact many ppl have posted in the comments area that their connections are working oneway. They havent got any replies giving a solution. Anyway, Im trying all over again.
ok, dark knight one final word check your gateway's ...

comp - ip - and gateway -

lappy - ip - and gateway -

if not whenever you want we all make a fresh start, as i am sure this will help many of us :)
Just to make sure, I hope you are not using the POS 24online client or the Sify dialler on either of ur machine..If yes, this method won't work

OK here we go:

1- A= PC1 that is ur desktop, B=PC2 that is ur laptop

2- A-> GO to Contol Panel>Network Connections>LANn > Properties

3- Click on TCP/IP, assign a Private IP range static IP..I suggest (there is a reason for this , we'll come to that later)

4- Set Subnet Mask, Leave gateway field blank, Leave the DNS server field blank

5- Go to the Firewall Tab. Diasable the Firewall completely for this NIC (We can tweak this etting later) for now, just disable)

6- Go to PC B

7- B-> GO to Contol Panel>Network Connections>LANn > Properties

8- Click on TCP/IP,

a) assign a Private IP range static IP

Else b) Select Obtain IP address automatically

I strongly suggest option (a) as you are not planning to set up multiple PCs on the network

9 - Set Subnet Mask, Set gateway as, DNS server field as

10- Disable firewall completely

11- I'd also suggest Enabling file sharing (permission- All) between the two machines so that any user ID related conflicyts do not arise

11- Make physical connections and try ping both ways....

12- Explanation for 3...If you later want to share an Internet connection b/w ur PC and Laptop, XPs built-in ICS is hard-coded to use as the default gateway IP for the 2nd might as well set that as the IP for this connection so there are no probs in the future....
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