How to create Autorun Disc with custom sequence?

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Hi ..

Need to burn a cd for myself.

1. Wmv file should play first as we insert the cd.
2. A swf file should play after the wmv file.
Thanks in advance.
You'd have to write an autorun.ini file, but that'll allow you to run only a single executable. So you'll probably have to invoke a batchfile or something similar to launch your WMV first and the SWF next.
import the wmv movie into flash. export it as a flv video.

make a flash file where the movie is loaded and plays. after the movie finishes playing load the swf.

using components built into flash you can tell when the movie is loaded, plays and finishes playing.

so in end you get three files total:

1- the flash exe (which is actually an swf published as exe) - this will load the flv and swf externally.

2 - the movie flv

3 - the swf to play in end.

Then you only need to autorun the main flash exe file using autorun.ini file
6pack said:
import the wmv movie into flash. export it as a flv video.
make a flash file where the movie is loaded and plays. after the movie finishes playing load the swf.
using components built into flash you can tell when the movie is loaded, plays and finishes playing.

so in end you get three files total:
1- the flash exe (which is actually an swf published as exe) - this will load the flv and swf externally.
2 - the movie flv
3 - the swf to play in end.

Then you only need to autorun the main flash exe file using autorun.ini file

I was bout to say the same thing:@
Try Autoplay Menu Studio, many more things possible, in a interactive way.
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