How to cure the 'Game of Thrones' addiction?

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completed watching the GoT. watched the entire series back to back, usually I do with all the other series. now will start watching the others mentioned in this thread. The Wire and the Pacific. Thanks for the thread guys :)
Spartacus : Blood and Sand.

The first episode of Sparty will make it seem like its a televisation of 300 but keep watching. B&S's finale > Anything from the 2 seasons of GoT, imo. Gods Of The Arena is fantastic too.

Also, ROME is worth checking out as well.
Personally speaking did not like Spartacus, and somehow after reading the five books I found GOT TV series boring (maybe because the story is so fresh, and I know exactly what is going to happen). I may give GOT a rewatch once the sixth book is released :)
I can objectively say that the wire is better than any other TV show I've seen :P

Aye, as far as addictions go here's another one hard to get away from. It's gritty and intense and may not be for everyone though.

Seen the entire thing twice now.
Nice way to cure the ongoing addiction. :lol:

Enjoy the books! :P

Received it too! 4 books for only 822 bucks :D


Chiming in as another person who has read the books. A feast for crows is really the worst of the lost.

Also, as far as TV shows go I'm currently addicted to 'The Booth at the End'. It's a show set entirely in a diner's booth but my god, the way they build the plot and tension! Am currently powering through the second season.
Welcome to the club. :lol:

I stopped reading after the first book because I knew it would turn out like this. I will wait till the book series is complete and then read them. (It's been 10 years now. I think I will need to wait another 10).

Similarly, haven't started watching the TV series either, I can wait.
You sir, is my inspiration :P
Chiming in as another person who has read the books. A feast for crows is really the worst of the lost.

Also, as far as TV shows go I'm currently addicted to 'The Booth at the End'. It's a show set entirely in a diner's booth but my god, the way they build the plot and tension! Am currently powering through the second season.

What's so bad about 'a feast of crows'?

I'll check that show out too.

IDK if it has already been mentioned in this thread, but you can checkout Dexter as well. :)

Saw the six seasons in under 6 weeks!
What's so bad about 'a feast of crows'?

The writing is much below the standard of the other books. The plot plods along very slowly and most important characters aren't in the book.

If you read up about it GRRM basically split his huge original manuscript into two books. He was also under pressure from the publisher to finish his book and hurried through a Feast of Crows. All of this shows in the book.
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