Linux How to delete www-data owned files

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I have come around a problem. I have been using ubuntu and need to delete some files.

The owner of the files i want to delete is "www-data".

I am not having the root permissions. Any help?
If you do not have the permission as root or group user you simply cannot delete.

Pots the output of ls -l <filename>
If you do not have the permission as root or group user you simply cannot delete.

Pots the output of ls -l <filename>

I am a user of the system with a username and a password. But the root user of the system is another. So, if i want to delete files in my account which are owned by "www-data" - it is not being possible. Do i need the root password to do that even if the files belong to my user account?
^^ ls -l will work if you have the read permission over the file or directory.

Only root and the owner of the file can delete it, if you have the root password use

su -c 'rm filename'
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