How to downgrade IE 8 to IE7

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Hi friends,

I am currently using WIn7 with IE8 which comes for default with it.

Can i downgrate it to IE7 by any method? & if yes, then how?
Why do you want to downgrade to IE7 from IE8? Any specific reasons? There is a compatibility view is present in IE8 which will emulate IE7.
If you have not created a system restore point before installation... you can't downgrade.

Win 7 doesn't even have IE7 in the first place. It only ships with IE8 by default.
Why do you want to downgrade? If you want to check compatibility, like Konquerror said, you can just emulate the IE7 engine in IE8
IE 8 is supposedly more safer compared to IE 7.

Use Firefox with the Adblock plus add on. Its great and lot safer.
^^IE8 is not only safer but is good looking than the previous.. BTW it is not possible as IE8 is build into win7.

As you cannot install IE5 on XP, IE6 on Vista, similarly you cannot install IE7 on Windows 7

For further reference, try this.
Better idea is to stop using IE and start using FF forever! :)

rohitshakti2 said:
Hi friends,
I am currently using WIn7 with IE8 which comes for default with it.
Can i downgrate it to IE7 by any method? & if yes, then how?
Actually i want to use IE7 due to the fact that one of my share trading platform is based on IE7 and it doesn't work on IE8.

So tell me the method to downgrade it. I tried uninstalling ie8 from add & remove prog., but after removing it is still working.
Then install XP and use the browser of your choice. :)

rohitshakti2 said:
Actually i want to use IE7 due to the fact that one of my share trading platform is based on IE7 and it doesn't work on IE8.

So tell me the method to downgrade it. I tried uninstalling ie8 from add & remove prog., but after removing it is still working.
i also hv winxp on the same pc but the same problem there too as earlier i had upgraded ie7 to ie8 and now i am not able to downgrade it.

Is there any software which can do this?
This is where the problem lies:huh:, from add & remove prog. (in XP) i had removed IE8 but it is still working. So now tell me how & from where is it working & how to remove it........:S
Are you sure that after uninstalling IE8, you still have IE8 on system...can you double check the version?

OT: It seems IE8 has fallen in love with you and your computer. It will not leave either of you :rofl:
TRy this...

1. Got to programmes and features--

2. On left side click on turn off/on windows features.

3. Uncheck the internet explorer checkbox.

4. Click ok and then try installing IE 7.
Havnt tried but shud work...

Best of luck.. :)

If this doesnt works then try this

While you can't install IE7 on a Windows 7 machine, there's a program called IETester which provides historical versions of the Trident rendering engine (the core of Internet Explorer). IE7 is included as one of those historical versions, so you'll be able to evaluate how a site renders, without needing to actually run IE7 itself.

OR This....................

Firefox has a IE plugin that runs IE within it...try that, although it probably uses the installed version that ya OS would have already.
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