How to enable regular GPRS/3G on iPhone on Vodaphone ?

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Send ACT 3G TO 111.3G services on your phone will be activated in 24 Hrs. Your charges will remain the same as your current 2G plan. Video calling will be charged at Rs 3 per minute.
NO 3G in Bangalore by Vodafone :)

I dont get the point, Companies launch 3G in Bihar where 3G users are very very less.

They dont launch in Bangalore where its full of IT crowd & still they are planning to launch,
Actually I was not asking how to enable 3G on iPhone. The. Problem is that companies have special plans for iPhone users which are way too expensive then normal smart phones. I wanted to know how to enable a regular smartphone plan on my iPhone.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
^^umm.. i donnu, u have to jailbreak first??

i have not much idea on this but maybe that will allow you to put another operator sim and just use their normal plans like for everyother phone..

and come on, you spent soo much to buy a phone, but you cant spend on the internet plan?
Try this -

1. You first need to get an application that is iPhone Configuration utility

2. Then connect your iPhone and then launch the application and click on Configuration profile

3. Now you have to click on advance option and then you have to click on Configure button

4. Now you have to enter "portalnmms" in field of Access Point Name

5. Enter "" in the last field proxy server

6. Then you have to enter "9401" in the last field Proxy Port

7. You have to save the profile then by any name you want to

8. Now on your device on the left hand side and choose Configuration Profiles.

9. Configuration profiles.

10. After it is been done you may then get an Install option and soon you will see a pop on your iPhone asking your permission to install the configuration simply allow and you are done
1.Download and Install iPhone Configuration Utility.

2.Open iPhone Configuration Utility and click Configuration profiles in the Left Pane of the Utility

3. In the Down Pane you will see several options/sub menus like General, pass code etc..

Click "General" Sub Menu

3.1 In Name give the value as "Vodafone"

3.2 In Identifier give the value as ""

4. Scroll Down in the Down Pane and you will see a sub menu "Advanced" click it

4.1 You will see Access Point Name APN name

4.2 Give the value as "www"

In the Top pane you will see the Profile settings as Vodafone

5 Now connect your iPhone and the Device will be recognized in the Utility

6 In the Left pane click on the Devices and In Bottom pane you will see Many Tabbed Options.Click on the Configuration Profile option

7 Click the Install Option and you will see a POP UP option in your iPhone Accept it and Install

You will see a new "Profile"option in your Settings >> General in your iPhone
Actually there is a much simpler solution. Make sure your iPhone is jailbroken. After that connect to a wifi hotspot and visit the following link in safari.

It would download a file on your iPhone. Just save that file and restart your phone. You are good to go.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1st thing never tell Vodafone that u got iPhone, they will blindly give u iPhone data plan which are damn costly.

Just activate VMC & do the settings your self. Runs like a charm. Let me know if u face any problems would be happy to help.
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