How to get into DSA using Python?

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You can find implementations in python also along with learning the theory
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You can also do leetcode and learn when you are having to search something too. :)

check out some basic data structures & algo implementation and start tackling problems. You don’t want to be stuck in tutorial loop
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Any recommended resources?
It depends how much familiar you are with Python. If you are a total noob then start just by learning the basics, you can get the content from freecodecamp or you can even go through Python for everyone course on Coursera.

After completing the prerequisites or if you already have them then start by GeeksforGeeks and go through the DS list, you will learn about them/brush up and then also will be able to find python implementation.

Side by side, start solving questions on Leetcode, that will help a lot. Plus, I will recommend searching the most famous and asked DSA questions and start looking at the Python implementations. You can use InterviewBit for this.

Good luck!
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All the above responses are great.
Just pick one resource and stick with it to the end, it'd save you both time and confusion. Pick one resource, practice it, understand it and when you start implementing all basic data structures and algorithms on your own and write atleast their pseudocode without looking up then move on to leetcode, hackerrank, codechef problems. Remember this, learn from other's experience and stick to just one resource. Happy coding!
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I’m assuming you ask from an interview point of view. You can check out this book: Elements of Programming Interview (in Python)
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If anyone here working in dsa Can we arrange a shot session on the same so that interested people can benefit from it. also Live QNA will help resolving more questions then any tutorials.
MIT's 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms is a great resource for learning DSA. They use Python in the course.
Check out they have a full course on DSA using python for Begineers , Intermediate And Advanced Users ...depending on your skill level ...Python is an easy language to learn in comparrison to other popular languages like C C++ java etc , Python more like writing english ...
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Leetcode. It's an amazing resource. I use it on a daily basis. You can filter question by algorithms. You can practice few questions in each category and then move to next.
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