How to inculcate habit of reading ?

That was the first Agatha Christie book I read and I absolutely fell in love with it. Am yet to come across a better work from her, not that the rest are bad, but this was really nice
agantuk said:
That was the first Agatha Christie book I read and I absolutely fell in love with it. Am yet to come across a better work from her, not that the rest are bad, but this was really nice
I think i agree with you here some of her stories are simply amazing! but some are not that good. Though i am yet to read poirot also but have seen the movie called "murder on the orient express" to be honest i didnt liked it much.
I am not aware of the movie, but Murder on the Orient Express makes for an interesting read. However, it does drag at places.
Why read books ?

Because the info you find online, in magazines and newspapers is nothing more than fast food. Its rare you find something that is well written in these mediums. Oh it might please you but you won't get much out of it certainly not in comparison to a book. How much more space is available to cram ideas in a book than in any other medium.

You can only get depth in books. You have to appreciate that depth and once you do everything else will be found to be wanting. You will demand depth and only books will give you that. The difference this creates in your outlook will readily be apparent to others.

Anyway, this is what has made me search out books and then discuss if possible online with others that have read to enjoy some more.
I want to read books too, but I am a slow reader, it takes me a week to read a novel, one of the reason I've read just a few of them, I can count them with my fingers, maybe 4-5. Can you guys suggest any book, for a start, interesting and not very long.
freshseasons1 said:
I used to be a great reader when there were better books spread around.Suddenly i think good literature has taken a nose dive and these days getting across few pages is tard.

This way,tell me how can one be voracious reader even amongst mediocre literature ?

How do i force myself to read even if its an effort,not always well spend ?:hap5:
You'd be long dead before the world runs out of quality literature.You've just raised your standards a bit,probably grown up.the things which used to appeal you don't do so anymore.Taking to good non fiction might be a change.I read this article about R&AW for example which I found intriguing and engrossing.
How old are you now?
blkrb0t said:
I want to read books too, but I am a slow reader, it takes me a week to read a novel, one of the reason I've read just a few of them, I can count them with my fingers, maybe 4-5. Can you guys suggest any book, for a start, interesting and not very long.
Start with a collection of nice short stories. Jeffery Archer is nice and easy. 12-15 short stories in the book. One can be finished in 15-17 minutes. Not a big haul..! :)

Other stuff you can dabble in:

1. Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes short stories.

2. Somerset Maugham has a nice collection of short stories.

3. Novellas by Leo Tolstoy -- sorry cannot remember the exact titles.

4. Anita Desai - Village by the Sea. Small novel. Relative to India. :)

Try some stuff.
blkrb0t said:
I want to read books too, but I am a slow reader, it takes me a week to read a novel, one of the reason I've read just a few of them, I can count them with my fingers, maybe 4-5. Can you guys suggest any book, for a start, interesting and not very long.
For readers like you , writers like Chetan Bhagat are a boon. Start with his Five Point Someone
I too have gotten lazy with my reading recently. Can't seem to start any new books. But then, there are already tons of books that I can reread :D Just started lotr again for the umpteenth time. Other favorites are harry potter, the discworld series, and selected books from ludlum, grisham, archer, etc. I do most of my reading on my phone.
dhruvrock2000 said:
I've noticed that since i bought my Kindle i've stepped up my reading as well. Read about 11 novels within a span of 8 days :p
Same here. I just finished the entire song of fire and ice series in less than a month :p
why don't u start reading comics instead?

i also never got into the habit of reading books, but i do read comics ocassionally..

they are shorter, more visually pleasing and a good start at reading.