How to keep a Coke bottle fizzy!

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Without a healthy dose of fizz everyday, your chicken might end up looking like this one day..... :rofl:

Edit: Damn ! The guy changed his avatar :S


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@Sheriff : The bottle isn't regaining shape in that way. The pressures are equalized by the CO2 which comes out of the liquid. If putting the CO2 into water was that simple, then don't ya think that if you squeezed a half consumed coke in an unaqueezed bottle for long enough the CO2 would go back into the water ?

This argument could go on for ever anyhows. I just wanna see the damn thing work myself. :bleh:

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@Inzider, let's put it this way, since your bottle is air tight, so CO2 can't escape.Now normally guyz put the bottle in the fridge, after the drink.In the fridge the coke's temprature goes down, so solubility of gas increases according to Henry's Law.For unsqueezed bottle, there is air along with CO2, and air being more soluble dissolves more in prefrence to CO2.For a squeezed bottle there is only CO2, so it will get dissolved more, and you get your bubbly as it should be ;)
JediMaster said:
^^Oh Man O' Man ! I hope it wasn't bcoz of me :O ! I really thought that avatar was very funny !
Hehe, no, I changed my avatar b4 reading this, Infact I am reading this now!! I liked the scaled down version of my chick :P
c;on dood, dont be so harsh and irrational in making up an opinion about someone u dont really know and havent really met!
Hmmm we have researched and developed a new technology here at TE. This deserves to be on the portal. Can we patent it in the name of TE.
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