How to kill Lonliness?

Wish I could help you but I exactly the opposite problem. I am too busy for anything. I don't get time to be alone and rest. Manytimes not even enough time to sleep.
To kill loneliness, stop fighting it. At some level, everyone is lonely... it is best not to fight a feeling and just feel it completely.... you'll find out that the feeling eventually dissolves ..... It works for me when I feel scared of anything. Resisting only tends to intensify the problem.

I hope I was not too guru-ish.
metalspree said:
i was addicted to it for 4 years just few months back i had been to rehab ,so no more weed dude :no:

How do you get addicted to weed ?

It's not physically addictive.

Skunk can be, but only if you are weaker than it, in which case you should not be doing any in the first place.
That's psychologically addicted, not physical. There's no limit to what one can be psychologically addicted to.

The come down is 2 weeks, a rather mild one, after that you are fine.

Compare that to just plain cigarettes, no comparison at all.

Weed is a heck of lot easier to walk away from.