how to make data unrecoverable

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so there are a million apps that help u recover. but what about when u pass of ur old hard disk and the data u think u formatted anyone can recover that. any SOLID working apps that u cannot ever recover from. please advise
If there are a million apps to recover, then there are billions to shred..

Try tuneup for simple shredding, or try hirens boot cd for the fancy ones..

Warning:- It takes a LOT of time..Once i was shredding a 120gig, and it too 2hrs for the first pass!!!:@
If you are giving away your HD and want to erase all data, I would sugeest Seatools from SeaGate. You can fill the whole disk with 0s. They claim the hard disk becomes as good as new.
ShAD0W said:
just use some multipass erasing programs .. a single pass eraze will consume a lot of time .. for making data unrecoverable use atleast 5-6 passes.. there are various tools out there heres a good one Darik's Boot And Nuke | Hard Drive Disk Wipe . happy erasing:P

:O What were you smoking? A single pass will take LESS time as compared to multiple passes :P Tho multiple passes are supposed to make data more difficult to recover. Some programs even follow the US DoD standard which specifies a minimum number of passes before considering data safely shredded :)
i meant a single pass itself will consume a lot of time...i didnt say it was longer than multipass :P .Fof standardson number of passes is 6 , though i may be mistaken
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