How about disabling DELETE key or the most often used SPACEBAR?
Sometimes before, I came to know how to remap keyboard, which would allow me to disable & interchange keys, without having to use any software, neither any special keyboard driver etc. I must tell you that this tutorial is making use of regedit it means if you don't know anything about regedit than first read the article Understanding/Backup & Restoring Regedit.
In Windows operating systems, PS/2-compatible scan codes provided by an input device (Keyboard, Joystick, Mouse etc) are converted into virtual keys, which are transferred through the system in the form of Windows messages. Windows 2000 and Windows XP include a new Scan Code Mapper, which provides a method that allows for mapping of scan codes. The scan code mappings for Windows are stored in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Keyboard Layout
NOTE: There is also a Keyboard Layouts key under the Control key, you should not mess up with that key.
To make you understand the concept I will first start from the basic that is disabling key, once you understand the concept you can disable any key or even interchange any key with another. Here I am disabling DELETE key.
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Sometimes before, I came to know how to remap keyboard, which would allow me to disable & interchange keys, without having to use any software, neither any special keyboard driver etc. I must tell you that this tutorial is making use of regedit it means if you don't know anything about regedit than first read the article Understanding/Backup & Restoring Regedit.
In Windows operating systems, PS/2-compatible scan codes provided by an input device (Keyboard, Joystick, Mouse etc) are converted into virtual keys, which are transferred through the system in the form of Windows messages. Windows 2000 and Windows XP include a new Scan Code Mapper, which provides a method that allows for mapping of scan codes. The scan code mappings for Windows are stored in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Keyboard Layout
NOTE: There is also a Keyboard Layouts key under the Control key, you should not mess up with that key.
To make you understand the concept I will first start from the basic that is disabling key, once you understand the concept you can disable any key or even interchange any key with another. Here I am disabling DELETE key.
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