How to resize images uploaded to my server?

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So well I've got my portfolio and my bro has developed a system for it using php and javascript through which I can upload new projects to it; but as it is at the moment, I have to upload the image file, manually create a thumbnail file in PS and upload that and then use these two together to display in my portfolio (check the link in my sig to get an idea of what I mean.)

What I would like to be able to do is upload just the main image, have the thumbnail generated automatically at a specific size and use this thumbnail on my portfolio. For an example of what I mean, check or

Any idea how I can do this?

- Abhay
sometime back i had written a php code for my personal image gallery which used to generate thumbs of the images in the folder (if not already present) and display them on the webpage...i dont think i can find that code now coz it was quite a few years ago and i dont hav tht site anymore but u can google around for a similar php code...and tweak it to ur taste...
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