Linux How to use Kubuntu 8.04

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I am very confused and afraid of Instaling Kubuntu 8.04 on my Windows XP SP3 PC, but the same time want to use Kubuntu for My Programming C++, Java, Python etc ,and some Media entertainment also,I have a Pc with Intel core 2 duo E6550 Processor,2 GB DDR2 667 Ram,160 GB sta HDD(C,D,E,F Drives all of them have Data contained).
I have Previously used WAP came with the CD of Kubutu 8.04 and instaled under Windows, but I cannot connect to net with Kubuntu with BSNL Dataone, So please tell me should I install Kubuntu 8.04 as I eagely want to use it, and can i get stuck after installing i.e how to do things in Linux, is Kubuntu enviroment better than Windows Enviroment for Programmers and software developers.

Please help
Kubuntu is not worth installing,, Lots of missing stuff.,,, get openSUSE 11.1 or wait today Mandriva will release the release candidate for 2009.1 :)_
@shanpav12: start with the assumption that all your data can get lost due to a mistake on your part or bug in the linux distro (or even a random hard disk crash) so do make an external backup of all your important files, which we all should do anyway whatever OS/version we use :)

you'll need to do a lot of reading of guides etc on this forum and online (do google searching) in general to get a hang of the linux way of things...

if you are not stuck with your Kubuntu 8.04 CD because you dont have the means to download, then I would also suggest you get Mandriva 2009.1 (if you like KDE) or for GNOME get latest stable Ubuntu 8.10.

If you are not sure between KDE and GNOME then go for Ubuntu 8.10 (not Kubuntu) :D

edit: excellent links to start off with posted above by gaurish, please do look for and read more...

for a free e-book: Unofficial Ubuntu Guide - Free Book Download

also: Ubuntu:Intrepid -

and: Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
use Ubuntu(Gnome) 8.10.Kubuntu is not really...!.and MANUAL PARTITION.Linux does not go with window$ partition names like a,b,c,d,e,f etc.instead it (SATA) /dev/sda1,/dev/sda2..etc .

also ,do understand GNU/Linux partition:

Hard drive device names - MEPIS Documentation Wiki

Dataone is working fine with GNU/Linux.If you are using pppoe mode(router dialer) ,you need to configure dhcp to work for you.

press ALT+F2 and insert "network-admin"(without quotes) and run. unlock it by giving your the lan card and assign dhcp and router gw address.restart network .hopefully ,it will work. :)

Bridge mode:

How to connect broadband in Ubuntu Your Download Hut Of Technology

pppoe mode:

for Ubuntu :

go to menu>System>Admin>Network .press "unlock" and give your login password. select the device eth0(wired network). click properties.tick on enable this automaticipassignmode(DHCP).

then ,open a terminal(in menu -applications>accessories>terminal).


sudo  /etc/init.d/networking force-reload

Try Pinging a known site:

ping -c5

If it works ,your network is configured fine.

Good Luck!

also see:

Ubuntu:Intrepid -
Been installing and reinstalling kubuntu for the past 2 days. Got it exactly configured the way I want. Triple booting with vista, xp, and kubuntu.

Do manual partitioning. If you have a network with static ip addresses then change the netmask in knetworkmanager from to (took me a lot of googling to get this one right).

Good luck...
first thing ,I purge from Ubuntu is Network Manager. :|


instead ,hand edit /etc/network/interfaces or use "network-admin" gui.
No ,I am not a developer!

while ,I prefer Gtk2+ Applications and Gnome Generally;also I am a believer in C(GTK+) despite the claims of different benefits of C++(QT).
Nokia's licensing move after purchasing trolltech looks like it will make QT a very popular platform indeed...
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