HP takes on PS3, Xbox and Wii

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HP wants to take on PS3 & X360....Lets see what they have to offer:

HP takes on PS3, Xbox and Wii News - PC Advisor

HP making Next Gen PC's:) thats cool but they really have to be strong...cos they'll have tuff competition from consoles....They are looking to tap online gaming market in comparison with PS3 & X360. hmm...quite interesting...Lets wait & watch what they come out with!!!
hmmm........this is gonna be interesting.......finally someone to treat the pc as strongly against the consoles for gaming........
Okay, what the hell's gotten into HP all of a sudden? new Handheld Prototype?

They are getting no 3rd developer support, there is no room for another handheld between DS and PSP, they're too late.

Next-Gen PC's to challenge the consoles - Blah, people have been making their own gaming PC's which work better and cost less.

HP needs to learn what happened with the N-Gage and Alienware Series PC's.
They wud have to seriously rethink about what are they doin!!!

HP will soon be bankrupt if they go for this kind of strategy..instead they should see how they can provide better service & PC's then assembled ones!!!also in reasonable price!!!
ya........alienware is the correct eg given here.......gamers really prefer buildin their own pcs all because of the xpensiveness of such brands......if HP can follow these posts , mayb they'll survive the next-gen wars.......
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