prefer kolkata buyer but outstation can sent offer too.
This is not much used in terms of gaming. Only 2 games I have ever played on it since I bought it and 1 was never finished also.
Mostly used for learning Video editing.
Almost docked with poweroutlet and the internal keyboard and mouse was almost never used.
perfect condition laptop for 10 month old.
open for genuine decent off.one last final offer and making this deal even more awesome for last time....adding additional 16gb 3200 MHz. (Pic attached)
So all for Rs 61k plus shipping - (8gb + adding 16gb )=24GB ram + 512gb +256gb ssds + hp care warranty till 2025.
This is not negotiable at all. As might just keep it . So kindly respect it and so take it or leave it.
Rest happy to provide any more info that you might need as a buyer.
I prefer Kolkata buyer.
prefer kolkata buyer but outstation can sent offer too.
This is not much used in terms of gaming. Only 2 games I have ever played on it since I bought it and 1 was never finished also.
Mostly used for learning Video editing.
Almost docked with poweroutlet and the internal keyboard and mouse was almost never used.
perfect condition laptop for 10 month old.