if this is true..time for Apple to have nightmares back again...dont remember properly but apple did have a problem wen HD2 released in US...they had filed some law suit against HTC
From what I have seen on the internet, Only a very few people buy iPhone's for reasons like user experience or hardware. A majority of their market comprises of fan's who deem it absolutely necessary to buy every apple product whether they need it or not. Some buy it as a sort of status symbol, some Americans for patriotic reasons, some because everyone else is buying one etc etc and the list of silly justifications goes on.codedlives said:if this is true..time for Apple to have nightmares back again...dont remember properly but apple did have a problem wen HD2 released in US...they had filed some law suit against HTC
mate wateva u wrote is absolutely true..i jus love apple products, u can call me a fanboy, but jus saw the HD3 leaked info , its too good to be true and that is 1 phone which can really dent the apple share..hope HTC get it right for their sakeLord Nemesis said:From what I have seen on the internet, Only a very few people buy iPhone's for reasons like user experience or hardware. A majority of their market comprises of fan's who deem it absolutely necessary to buy every apple product whether they need it or not. Some buy it as a sort of status symbol, some Americans for patriotic reasons, some because everyone else is buying one etc etc and the list of silly justifications goes on.
So I don't think any other company can make a product that cuts deep into Apple's market. Even if a few sensible users who got an iphone for legitimate reasons are swayed to another product, in my opinion it would represent less than 10% of Apples market. 90% of Apple's market would not be swayed no matter how crappy a product apple makes or how arrogant they behave and no matter how great a product the competition has.
So I don't see Apple having nightmares because HTC (or any other company) released a great phone. As for the patent related law suits, I think its just publicity stunt more than anything else. Apple is a relatively new player in the mobile phone market. They use more technology developed (and often patented) by others than others infringing Apple's patents. If Apple sues any of them, they too can counter with a their own list of patents and in the end any such attempts would end in stalemate.
I would love to see that statement backed by facts/links. Though it is bought as a status symbol too is absolutely true, the UI experience is still miles ahead of the competition. It's true that Apple products do not give us as much freedom as the other companies do, but whatever they do is the best in the class. I'm no Apple fanboy, my phone runs on Android and I use Windows 7. But, after using Mac and iPhone, the 80-90% of the population ( talking about the non-techies ) would find it so much easier to adapt to the Apple Ecosystem.Lord Nemesis said:From what I have seen on the internet, Only a very few people buy iPhone's for reasons like user experience or hardware. A majority of their market comprises of fan's who deem it absolutely necessary to buy every apple product whether they need it or not. Some buy it as a sort of status symbol, some Americans for patriotic reasons, some because everyone else is buying one etc etc and the list of silly justifications goes on.
90% of Apple's market would not be swayed no matter how crappy a product apple makes or how arrogant they behave and no matter how great a product the competition has
Sei said:I would love to see that statement backed by facts/links.
Are they going out of their way to trouble companies like Adobe? Yes.
Sei said:I'm sorry, but crappy? Really now. Which product are you referring to btw? And please don't take the liberty of calling the product crappy because it offers lesser features for a higher price, if that is what you are referring to. The product is not crappy, the price may be debatable.
From whatever I've seen on the web, the iPhone is one of the most sturdiest phones. People I know have bought it in the gray market and have been using it for 2+ years now without any issues. And Apple international support is one of the best in the world. Even in India.
Lord Nemesis said:I don't want this thread side tracked, but i would just answer a few essential questions.
They have a valid reason business reason for that. Jobs is genuinely afraid of Adobe and its Flash platform. Its not just Flash, but any other similar intermediate development layer that Jobs seriously wants to prevent from his iOS eco-system. Development layers such are those can affect his revenue model and so he resorted to such a tactic.
I was taking in future tense there. In any case existing iPhone's are not perfect either. At least certain aspects of them are crappy. For example every iPhone released so far (not just iPhone 4) has had various kinds of connectivity issues like call dropping, signal issues and issues with WLAN it was not a case of few defective units either.
Not everyone may have had problems either. But they have failed under conditions where no other device had any issues.
In any case, back to the original topic please..
gforce said:Don't think those specs are for real. I'll believe it when I see it.
Doesn't make too much of a difference in India. HD3 would be outdated by the time we get video calling here.kekerode said:Again front camera missing... the only thing which I hate about HD2 and now HD3 too