HTC Incredible S or Samsung Galaxy I9003.

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Confused between these two phones.
Here is the spec. comparison
HTC Incredible S vs. Samsung I9003 Galaxy SL -

The htc is retailing for 26999 and samsung for 19500. Prices for both go down a little after bargaining.

My Question is is the HTC worth the higher price considering its sense ui, better looks, more ram, better camera and graphics and comparably better update service of htc compared to samsung.

also open to other android phone suggestions upto 27k.

I was waiting for the nexus S but I guess it'll never come to India.
Samsung Updates sucks a big time, all knows abt it bro... and am having S8500 running 1.02 not even 1.2 Bada and still in Samsung Service center they are telling the update will come soon maybe within a week.. And also their support for older mobiles sucks.. Consider all around stuffs HTC is far better then Samsung including the Service too bro... Paying a little above for a better Support is good only know... I may say it as Future Proof :)

smalltiger_s said:
samsung is a better bet than HTC...all HTC phones are over priced..and their sense ui is nothing to boast is a good to have not a must have..considering the price differential...i suggest that we you go for samsung!!
Whatmobiles review of the arc gave it a 5/5. Search for it on the net. They are the best mobile mag in all of uk. That shoulf pacify the haters a bit. The price hardly differs. The arc should be available for a premium of 2k on the incredible which imo is a small amout to paycin corelation to thr advantages on offer.
Bought the i9003 yesterday. Moving up from a 3.5 year old N73, I am impressed. Was in a dilemma on which to buy. Figured that first week I might fiddle around a lot, then it will end up just for calls, internet and occasional GPS. Saved 7k as a result :D

Incredible S is definitely more future proof. But looking at the games on the android market, we really do not need anything better. If i want good gfx, i will play with my 5850 on my pc!
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