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Why r we getting Hyper here ? The Dude asked if Hukka was Harmfull , the answer is yes it is. Now if he wants to continue doing it .... let him.
nVidiaBeast said:
whats the limit per week for intake of hukka so that it doesnt harm

So you want Us to suggest limit of Poison to intake, small or more, Poison always do it's work

Small =slow death (you will know and see How Death Is - and with you your family member too experience the same - very panic)

More= rapid death (good for you but shock for Family Members - may be for life time)

That's best I can described for Tobacco Habit.

Sorry if it hurts you.

PS: I was in WRONG impression that Member on TE have Great/Tough will Power but day by day I come to know that most of us are paralyzed they need some STICK to Stand/Fight with FACTS OF LIFE:(
hmm. nice explaination. i will quit but slowly.. and its tuff to do it. hope i quit it and back to gaming and modding :P any other alternatives for stresss relief? when i take hukkas, my stress is relieved.
If u want to quit it then i think its better u have another habit in its place... i mean whenever u feel like having a hukka take something else up which is new and interesting... slowly u will shift ur mind from hukka to the other thing... I think lot of ppl use chewing gums n stuff...

Its all mental addiction... so u gotta keep ur mind occupied for that time thats all... :)
^^ my frnd was too contemplating hard on giving up that way .. tried a number of time .. cudnt do it ..

He went away to meet his elder cousin bro .. and mentioned the problem.. his bro told him ki u try to reduce the intake .. and u ll def take a long time .. it is more like ki u decide that once u walk out of the door of this cafe.. u aint gona tch anything called as Ciggarette..

He did payed heed.. did precisely that.. and is a non smoker for the past 8 mnths.. :)
yeah man, as u peepz must b knowing, i lost my gf since then i am chain hukka smoker :( i lost interest in comp0uters too when i lost my gf. lost many other things ttoo
You know what i can suggest you a way to quit Hukka..or in broader terms smoking...and tht too rehab..nothing..all u need to do is...

just give us ur papa's phone number...we'll do the rest...and yeah..u'll see tht it works...:P :bleh:

Look Kid..u r only 22..u got lotsa other things to think over...i guess 'career' shud ring the bell somewhr in ur head when i say that...;) so stop fussing over this addiction..and start taking some effective steps to get over it..or do u need our help as i said earlier..:P ;)
Kid? :P heehee. my dad knows i take hukka (but just a once a week) and i dnt tell him everytime when i go for hukka. he said anything beyong limit is back, within the limit its ok
hmmm we just had a topic on smoking and then this..... what next all the other bad vices one by one ...with everyone agreeing its bad and then after the topic is over ....everything is back to square one.....

seriously if you know what you are doing is wrong but you are coming for internet forums for advice, then i suppose you are just justifying to yourself that its okay to smoke it ...... you wanna quit... do it for yourself, or better yet, google some images of hookah smokers

actually i did that for : WARNING WARNING VERY GROTESQUE IMAGES AHEAD : this will what you will get , smoke hookah or smoke ciggies or beedis

oral cancer photos - Google Image Search

and whats with this thing of , i lost in love so i should either smoke or hookah or drink...... this devdas act, whats the point you lost her....alrite move on, theres always the other one.... :)
^^ Excellent post that.

And this is how a typical kiddo smoker will react: (in typical sms 'cool' and 'funky' language):

"Man that's cool u c.. ppl who dont take risks r idiots u c... its a gr8 risk to smoke as u can see frm the photos.... nd I m cool enuf to do it... u call me stupid... u don't hv balls 2 tke ny risk in life u c.... it's ma personal choice.. get da hell outta ma life"

P.S. No offence meant to any TE member or smoker. Not directed at anyone in particular.
i guess the pics were horrible, they almost made me puke....

so beasty its up to u , stay normal n enjoy life or end up as one of those in the pics, being a trouble not only for urself but also ur family
yep thats exactly the reaction its supposed to get .... and thats how you will end up if you smoke... simple enuf, choice is yours ... and if you say " i know someone who is been doing it for years and hes fine," just remember every body is different ... you never know what or when it will happen.... but it will
good job beasty and when/if you feel the urge to pick it up.....think of these images , think of your parents , and believe me when you quit it ... you will feel so proud of yourself .... good luck with your resolution
Hey thanks. i wont quit so fast. it will b gradual around 2 months to completely quit it. ill be reducing frequency to 2 time a week then 1 times (only on sunday) and finally i will quit and save money too :cool:

Edit:Kippu repped for changing my life.. but help me for bringing gaming/pc interest back.. i am playing 2 hours gaming/day and i want more. cant sit for long
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