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I heard that word mentioned by three different people over the last couple weeks in different places and it went like this...

..people have less humanity these days.

This is something i hear a lot from elders, its like their generation understood what it meant but the one that came after does not.

What do you think ?
Even I've heard this from some old people. I prodded one of them to explain what he meant and he said in their days, people were more helpful and trustworthy even though they were poor. Now all everyone thinks is how to make money. Everyone wants to become a crore-pati overnight by hook or crook. They don't care if they hurt others. They don't help others in need, like helping their own community. Everyone has become selfish and looks out for no one. Just like our politicians. Politicians are just a few hundred in number, but most of the country is acting just like them.
A number of factors have made people less caring today.
We have seen the news of little girl lying on the road after being hit by a vehicle, and nobody bothered to stop. Rather, everybody went around the girl to carry on with their lives. Some prolly were plain stonehearted, some were not interested in answering the questions by the relevant authorities.

I have understood one thing really. A person has too much on his plate today to be bothered by somebody else's issues.
Say any avg office goer leaves the house, first he gets stuck in jams thereby wasting fuel like crazy. Then comes the pot holed road junket which further erodes your money as maintenance cost grows. God forbids if somebody whacks the car, then comes the road rage. If that is avoided and an FIR is to be filed, you either grease the palms or wait for a proper hearing.
Court cases moves at a snail's pace. There have been incidents that people have had their batteries stolen right under the nose of the beat constables. When you file a complaint, the same constable will come up and will offer some 'settlement' cuz he is in cahoots with the thief himself.
Something similar will come up if you have to get any major task accomplished, say something like getting property registered or setting up a business.

All in all, the web a common citizen here is going through and the deficiency in service really hasnt left any room for people to show any largesse. Nobody really seems to be in a state of mind which is conducive for socializing even with relatives.
We do not have any encouragement coming in for projects which are signs of a civil society. People hardly have been to art galleries, or to get the hang of classical music. It is a test for who is most 'adaptable' with the contorted equation we have.
Everybody is in a race, which nobody is going to win, but will surely render people as completely hollow.

No wonder we do not have basic sensibilities. Be it road sense, or protecting an unrelated female who is getting harrowed.

This is what ll happen if we have complete chors in the admin departments. So i think the rampant corruption has started to take it's toll on the social fabric, and erosion of the culture has been started since quite sometime.
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Even I've heard this from some old people. I prodded one of them to explain what he meant and he said in their days, people were more helpful and trustworthy even though they were poor. Now all everyone thinks is how to make money. Everyone wants to become a crore-pati overnight by hook or crook. They don't care if they hurt others. They don't help others in need, like helping their own community. Everyone has become selfish and looks out for no one. Just like our politicians. Politicians are just a few hundred in number, but most of the country is acting just like them.

Politicians are people among us.
Our advent into capitalist globalized free market consumer centric world in the last two decades made us extremely materialistic. For old people, it may be too much and sudden. Their younger days with spirit of independence movement still un-kindled, poverty associated sharing and understanding, etc. are no where felt now. Instead of agrarian culture which promotes social interactions and sharing, we live a hand to mouth job dependent existence with loans to repay for our own homes. Their sons, daughters and grandchildren live outside their reach making their life purposeless.

Materialism which make us tread the treadmill of consumption create depressed people.
Even I've heard this from some old people. I prodded one of them to explain what he meant and he said in their days, people were more helpful and trustworthy even though they were poor. Now all everyone thinks is how to make money. Everyone wants to become a crore-pati overnight by hook or crook. They don't care if they hurt others. They don't help others in need, like helping their own community. Everyone has become selfish and looks out for no one. Just like our politicians. Politicians are just a few hundred in number, but most of the country is acting just like them.
You pretty much got it. In the context of my conversations the underlined bit is what came out more than anything else. See how these people behave, they have no humanity.

Ambition and striving to get ahead has always been there but now there is this added violence that comes along.
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Not true. People who generally say 'There is no humanity or less of it now than earlier' have limited experience with the world and mostly have stayed in familiar surroundings be it city or town life for a long period of time.Travel the world or maybe whole of India and you will realize there is humanity with varying degree. Humanity is largely influenced by factors like culture, religion, location, tragedies, development etc.
I have experienced so many different kinds of
humanity examples, good and bad. For the most part in India and abroad, good mostly.

I personally feel we Indians are loosing it. Our culture was famous for being welcoming and accommodating and good to each other. I really do not see this attitude on the streets. Be it a little kid going to school (4th - 5th) to an old retired person, we all behave like uptight imbeciles. Primary reason(s) for this:

1. The human : resource (tangible) ratio is extremely skewed unless you are living in the rural outback. We are taught to fight for everything and anything.
2. We have a hive culture, which is augmented by religion, caste, gender, state, and language. Basically Indians are vary of the unknown, and can never take a leap of faith. Or want to comprehend (read: hear about) aspects non-native and/or novel.
3. There is no national zeal and patriotism unless we are playing cricket or watching Miss World. We cannot live in cohesion with each other, and there will always be friction and/or constant inertial forces causing reverberations among us all.
4. Conniving, cheating, graft, and kick-backs are a way of life. When we "one-up" a secondary entity, it is applauded with gusto and encouragement is dispersed, as well as best practice methodology is recorded.

Not an exhaustive list.
I have a different opinion on this, which might not a be real popular one, but here goes:
What people need to realise is, while there is some truth to the topic in hand, there is also something called nostalgia. Its like one of the TV serials thread - we believe that those were the good old days with He Man, Dekh Bhai Dekh etc, but then in recent times (maybe like 2-3 yrs ago) we also had Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Office Office too. In comparison - previously we had few channels, now we have a gamut of them, previously we had newspapers and AAJTak limited to a slot on DD-2, now we have AAJtak as full time blaring siren, previously we had Tandoor kand, now we have Nirbhaya case, previously we had Bombay 1992 riots, now we have 2013 Muzzafarnagar riots -- its just that people are getting too much information and are over sensitive to things.
There is a great movie about nostalgia by Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris - its about someone who has lesser interest in the present and loves the 18th century culture.
To give some idea of how these statements came about
- a neighbour talking about his new neighbour when constructing her building with scant regard to the safety of his house. it was a joint house that belonged to two brothers. one brother sold so the house was literally cut up in half. She did not care what happened to his home. She finsihed her construction without any damage to his home but it was a harrowing experience and she did not care about what others thought either.
- referring to how domestics are treated, a generalisation but about their working conditions, this one is open, some people abuse their help others don't.
- a tv repair guy who gives me a philosophy lesson whilst he's repairing my crt. a general critique on contemporary society. How he got treated by people.

Within a month, three different people, different contexts, different places.
I have a different opinion on this, which might not a be real popular one, but here goes:
What people need to realise is, while there is some truth to the topic in hand, there is also something called nostalgia. Its like one of the TV serials thread - we believe that those were the good old days with He Man, Dekh Bhai Dekh etc, but then in recent times (maybe like 2-3 yrs ago) we also had Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Office Office too. In comparison - previously we had few channels, now we have a gamut of them, previously we had newspapers and AAJTak limited to a slot on DD-2, now we have AAJtak as full time blaring siren, previously we had Tandoor kand, now we have Nirbhaya case, previously we had Bombay 1992 riots, now we have 2013 Muzzafarnagar riots -- its just that people are getting too much information and are over sensitive to things.
There is a great movie about nostalgia by Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris - its about someone who has lesser interest in the present and loves the 18th century culture.

What are you trying to say...? How can TV envision anything remotely close to humanity. And how is information about crimes en masse a delta..? Reality should be masked like the USSR in its heydays.?? Why you want society running on blinders...?

Midnight in Paris is an awesome movie....!
What are you trying to say...? How can TV envision anything remotely close to humanity. And how is information about crimes en masse a delta..? Reality should be masked like the USSR in its heydays.?? Why you want society running on blinders...?

Midnight in Paris is an awesome movie....!
The topic in hand was about whether we have lesser humanity now than before hence a TV serial comparison. We always like to view things in the past in a much warmer color than today. It holds as much true for yester-year TV serials vs today's TV serials as it does for yester year human interaction vs todays human interaction. Again, the topic on hand is not humanity per se.
If we were to talk about humanity, well I too believe what you do -- but that has been a case even in the 1990s. We certainly dint discover backstabbing, corruption, caste/gender bias etc just recently.
I also dint say information was a bad thing, just that today there is too much of it.

And yeah midnight in paris is awesome :)
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To give some idea of how these statements came about
- a neighbour talking about his new neighbour when constructing her building with scant regard to the safety of his house. it was a joint house that belonged to two brothers. one brother sold so the house was literally cut up in half. She did not care what happened to his home. She finsihed her construction without any damage to his home but it was a harrowing experience and she did not care about what others thought either.
- referring to how domestics are treated, a generalisation but about their working conditions, this one is open, some people abuse their help others don't.
- a tv repair guy who gives me a philosophy lesson whilst he's repairing my crt. a general critique on contemporary society. How he got treated by people.

Within a month, three different people, different contexts, different places.
I have had a lots of similar experiences. From my experience , lot of people are behind making money and hardly care about others. In the process if anyone gets hurt or damaged its not their problem. They have become apathetic and insensitive.
They are just bothered about their house and their family. Everything revolves around I, ME, MYSELF.

I can share one of the recent experience. We live in independent house.
There is this person constructing house just next to us. He doesnt care about us at all or anyone.
We have mud road from the main road to our house.During the last rainy seaons he screwed up the roads many times by lots of heavy trucks coming. My car infact got stuck in the road mess he created once and i couldnt move the car. I had to get some workers in the night to fill in mud so that i can move my car out.
He screwed up the road to my house many times duing the rains. Everytime we had to pay money to fill the road with mud.
We requested him many times to put gravel and mud before getting his trucks but he doesnt listen. he used to damage the road and we used to pay money to repair it. I infact stopped taking my car out for a while during rains.
Then now during summer all the cement and wood blocks and gravel keep falling in our compund. There are cement stains on my window.
Again after requests he doesnt care to clean it up or take necesary precaution.
Now he acts as if we are causing trouble to him and doesnt look at us. He and his wife thinks we are causing him problem.

On a similar topic sometime back i found a calf with broken leg near my home. It seems some motorycyclist hit it and broke one of its legs.
The owner of the calf instead of taking care of the calf had abaondoned it. But they were very happy to milk its mother. Infact they had abandoned the mother before. But when they found out that the cow had delivered calves, they took the mother home for sometime, so that they could sell the milk.
I went places to find cow shelter for the calf. But it was already overpacked. I also tried to find a doc. Showed him the pics. The doc said that if they wud have taken care initially then the legs cud have been fixed with a cast. Now it would need a surgery to put iron rods. We were not sure what to do and the cow also disappeared then.

One more experience I can share.
We have a NGO in our company which collects money for poor unpriveleged small children for school and food.
Lot of children who are completing ther graduation and dont have money to pay for the course, as their parents are workers with daily wages like a coolie.
Only few people donate. People simply refuse to contribute even 100Rs.

There are lots more such expreriences.

Though my post would make me seem cynical, I have seen people who were very kind and good. Probably humanity is still alive due to such people.
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