In the west they have the term 'greatest generation' or the one that built the country up after the war. Made the country prosperous and did not fiddle about with financial instruments. it was what you see is what you got. Now things are supposedly not as good as they were.I have a different opinion on this, which might not a be real popular one, but here goes:
What people need to realise is, while there is some truth to the topic in hand, there is also something called nostalgia. Its like one of the TV serials thread - we believe that those were the good old days with He Man, Dekh Bhai Dekh etc, but then in recent times (maybe like 2-3 yrs ago) we also had Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Office Office too. In comparison - previously we had few channels, now we have a gamut of them, previously we had newspapers and AAJTak limited to a slot on DD-2, now we have AAJtak as full time blaring siren, previously we had Tandoor kand, now we have Nirbhaya case, previously we had Bombay 1992 riots, now we have 2013 Muzzafarnagar riots -- its just that people are getting too much information and are over sensitive to things.
There is a great movie about nostalgia by Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris - its about someone who has lesser interest in the present and loves the 18th century culture.
See the pattern here ? same sentiment and its a recurring one.
The bias is it focuses on the bad and either ignores or downplays the good. They would say what good is left once humanity is lost.
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