Hunt for a Tablet.

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TAB default player can play mkv/avi HD media files without conversion its really a plus ,no need to install another application or so.Its simple drag and drop or u can download on to the device straight with no conversion needed.

Games i cant say coz i dont play games.
ipad is better for gaming(I am no gamer,but experts here prefer ipad for gaming)

Oh,I forgot about itunes,it can be PITA sometimes,but there are easy ways to avoid it.

Drag and drop(sort of)can be done with jailbroken ipad also but as it is your first apple you must be little apprehensive(but I can assure you,it is much easier and safer than messing up with android)
I say go for iPad.
Because the user experience is Awesome and the whole OS feels polished .
The TAB is wonderful for portability and for drag and drop experience.
But, iPad gives a better experience in my opinion.

1. For HD/MKV/AVi's(I prefer without conversion) - Tab

2. Games - iPAD

3. CBR/CBZ/BMP - ???

4. Browsing - ???

2 votes for each devices. Folks close the deal for me.. :).

Dunno if this is of any relevance, by December I plan to get one of em dual core android mobile phones. If none the streak itself. :). looking for qwerty ones first.
Browsing definately tab just coz of its flash player gives u complete internet experience and it works smooth.

Ipad hasl arger screen to browse so thts definately plus but it looks kinda incomplete without flash support.
You can play AVIs and many other formats on iPad without conversion using OPlayer HD!

Browsing is hands-down better on iPad anyday (I say this as a person who has owned and used both). Portability is where Tab beats iPad!
If you don't need Flash, browsing on the iPad is AWESOME.
But yes, if you want flash, it is a no brainer. TAB it is in that case.
techpal said:
Browsing definately tab just coz of its flash player gives u complete internet experience and it works smooth.
Flash on android is just a joke at the moment. The browser starts lagging and the entire experience is less-than-polished the moment you enable Flash!

On may TAB flash works smooth i swear. never lagged anything it can play upto 480p flash content abs fine with Dolphin HD browser and i have flash enabled all the time.

Ya as for portability as PAT said Tab wins hands down. Cant carry ipad everywhere but TAB u can.
Flash work flawlessly in tab with a decent browser like xscope,but I never really understand,why is it so important?For me it is just ads 90% of time.

Someone mentioned about polish and experience,which I do not understand either,for me both are equally polished and offer great user experience.But for a new user apples always feel shinier than orange.

@o.p,if it is your first apple device,you will be very happy with ipad,nothing is wrong with it.

Get it,jailbreak it and enjoy!!

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk

budget is around 20k. sooo...

@ others

1. For HD/MKV/AVi's(I prefer without conversion) - Tab

2. Games - iPAD

3. CBR/CBZ/BMP - ???

4. Browsing - ipad/tab ... tie ??? coz one got flash and the other got bigger screen

now the score is actually a tie ..:s
For comics both have decent apps.

If you are comfortable with jailbreak and all, go for ipad.

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
i would say go for Tab. its portable u can take it anywhere and its a phone too. Memory of tab can b extended to 48gb while u r stuck at 16gb for ipad.

Tab is an all round device.
Why not a Viewsonic G Tab? Everything except the screen is great. The scren is OK - like your netbook. You can easily get a almost new one from for 15K through Aramex. Save money now - buy a Ipad2 after one year or maybe the Asus Transformer.

Can u send me a link or something??

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This is getting confused. :(

Can people that used both say which one and say the reason. and also the app names to be used for my usages.
I really dunno anything abt iworld or android. :S

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ooh yea... Viewsonic ones looks very interesting. even via ebay india and GEB its like ~19k . :)

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people need ur suggestions.. :S....

gtablet....ipad 1..... galaxy tab
This is my post on the same topic in some other thread!
Things in favor of iPad:

Optimized iOS out of the box; Thousands of apps optimized for Tablet
Smooth and Amazing Web Browsing/Gaming Experience

Things in favor of Tab:

More RAM!!
More mod-ability (via community support)
Can be used as a phone (yea yea I know )

The biggest difference between the two, though, is
If you want a bigger screen to casually browse when home, get the iPad hands-down!
If portability and light-weight is what you are looking for (especially to surf the web on the go), go for Tab (only because it is now selling for cheap)!

In the end, both are Gen-1 tablets and are already outdated with the launch of iPad 2 (and Tab 2 release around the corner). So I would invest in something which has a better chance of being future proof and IMO, that would be the Tab since there is a very high chance of it getting Honeycomb unofficially/officially! However, as is the case with all Android vs iOS devices, if you don't want to mess around/tinker with the tablet, get the iPad for it's sheer OOTB usability! For Tab, you will need to flash custom firmwares/mess with the internals to get a smooth experience!

Thanks. :)

Can u people add the viewsonic gtablet in the midst and say few opinions?

I am seriously considering that. Only downer is the screen i think. but i wont be needing that much of a viewing angle and i will never take it outside. so dunno if that concerns me.
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