Storage Solutions Hybrid sleep and SSD endurance

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A few days ago, there was some discussion about SSD endurance. I chimed in saying my usage was around 7 GB per day. Someone said that was actually on the higher side. That got me thinking on what could be causing it since I have a separate download rig and a separate gaming rig. I eventually realised that I use hybrid sleep with 16 GB of RAM.

Windows' hybrid sleep is a combination of sleep and hibernate. It writes all the data on the RAM on to the SSD to retain the state, while also keeping the RAM powered for a while for instant resume. I pretty much never shut down my PC. I let it go to sleep, and eventually power it off.

I realise this might be causing a lot of writes. While this is still not a worry as my SSD has a 600 TB endurance rating, it's definitely something worth keeping in mind, especially if you have 32/64 GB RAM in your system.
This is a thing since Win 8.0.
I disable any kind of hibernation on my devices using the below command in elevated command prompt:

powercfg -h off
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around 7 GB per day. Someone said that was actually on the higher side.
I highly doubt their assertion that the number is high. Here are my numbers for my boot drive:


This works out to 18 GB per day. This system is mostly on 24x7 (not sleeping or hibernating), but a lot of the times it's either idle or seeding torrents etc, but nothing that is write heavy. No continuous downloads, sleep and hibernate disabled.
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