CPU/Mobo I am in a strange dilemma - PC or PS3?

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quixand said:
So he should spend 30K upgrading his PC to play what? TF2?

And the first time you bought a pc/console, did you already know what games you were going to get hooked to? I certainly didn't.

So he will buy an XBOX 360 for 13k to play what? TF2? Thats ridiculous. Also, console games are highly priced. You get a console and play games only at weekends, thats total waste. He can easily get a low end rig for less than 10k for his office use and stick to his current rig for casual gaming, thats what I have already suggested earlier.
Strange indeed.

If u upgrade your PC you are left with two systems, neither powerful enough to give u the 'juice' u need to run games at full HD.

If u get a PS3, after exactly 2 months it would be a very costly collector saver since u are not a 'hardcore' gamer.

So if i were in your shoes, i have two simple choices.

1. Sell your Laptop and get a medium-medium-high system. It serves both your requirements of functionality and laid back gaming though u will miss out on portability.

2. Get a second hand ps3 for around 13k and pour the remaining into the PC upgrade. You get best of both worlds. But then again the "casual gamer" label doesn't add any value to this option.

Also do consider the PS3 is gonna be outdated soon, as in within a year so that must be a very important variable in this equation.
memnom said:
Also do consider the PS3 is gonna be outdated soon, as in within a year so that must be a very important variable in this equation.
Within a year? I suppose you haven't drawn that conclusion based on the news of the PS4 launch spreading around. There's still a LONG way to go before PS4 is launched.

Heck, the PS2 still lives after a decade and developers still port games to it.
Just keep in mind that you will have to buy each game for PS3 and also that you won't be able increase graphics detail in any way on a PS3
@gannu, yes that and wishful thinking i suppose, wont have an another naughty dog / santamonica game in this gen console, whats the point of having one :P
Purchase a decent ps3 from the market section and be merry. And its not gonna get outdated anytime soon.. even if PS4 arrives.

You cannot play the exclusives of console on your PC and imo, the games which make you come back to pick up the remote again are those exclusives. Well most of em do.

Let's not discuss Ra-van and Je-van based games.
I* can vouch for the above....no matter what cynics say:

1. Poor graphics.

2. Out dated hardware.

3. Looser compared to PC.

4. Expensive games.

5. Controller + FPS difficulty.

6. XDR memory.

When I come back from office and fire up the PS3 and sit 7-8' away -- pleasure is all 'mine'.

*Been a hard core gamer since early 91-92, started on NES console and moved to PC.

The point is OP is a casual gamer, not hardcore gamer. So, he doesn't like to sit with PS3 after returning home from office. To buy an expensive gaming console and play occasionally on it, don't you think it is waste of money?

Just another example - you buy a great expensive camera but not into hardcore photography, how long will you take interest in it? Within 2-3 months, you will loose all attraction towards the camera and it will just stay inside your Almira. Occasionally, you will take that out to take some snaps, because your main interest is games, not photography.
simforgotten said:
So he will buy an XBOX 360 for 13k to play what? TF2? Thats ridiculous. Also, console games are highly priced. You get a console and play games only at weekends, thats total waste. He can easily get a low end rig for less than 10k for his office use and stick to his current rig for casual gaming, thats what I have already suggested earlier.

No dude I've mentioned that he does not need to upgrade and mentioned my laptop specs which does "enough" for medium to high specs gaming.

I had a 1GB 4650 till April and an AMD m550 2.2 and it ran all latest games in Medium/High settings and I connected it to my LCD via HDMI. Games like FIFA, PES, SF4, Dead Space 2, NFS etc etc. w/ el cheapo controller. Ran Crysis 2 demo in lowest setting.

So ask yourself what exactly will you be doing with a PC upgrade worth 25-30K ? IMO console exclusives are worth the plunge unless you are more into spending hours exploring Witcher or want serious eye candy

But if he still feels the urge to splurge out money then what will a PC upgrade do for a casual gamer? There are some really good titles on the Xbox and PS3, why would you want to miss out on those? Most of the PC titles will be available on the console. And I've seen tons of my "casual gamer" friends pick up new games like Tekken, Halo and other titles and play for hours.

The only thing that is making me change my thought process is the Win8 compatibility with Xbox 360 thing.
simforgotten said:

The point is OP is a casual gamer, not hardcore gamer. So, he doesn't like to sit with PS3 after returning home from office. To buy an expensive gaming console and play occasionally on it, don't you think it is waste of money?

Just another example - you buy a great expensive camera but not into hardcore photography, how long will you take interest in it? Within 2-3 months, you will loose all attraction towards the camera and it will just stay inside your Almira. Occasionally, you will take that out to take some snaps, because your main interest is games, not photography.

One does not need be a hard core gamer to get a PC or a PS3. I have seen people pour 80K+ on PCs' and they do not know the intrinsic difference between a shot-gun and a sniper rifle..! :) A ton of family 'oriented' people (couples with kids even) keep a PS3. Not for their kids, but to enjoy with family and friends. Anyone can play on it. Yesterday I heard a middle aged lady at my office cafeteria, mention that she and her husband keep a PS3 in the 'living' room. Why..? Now..?

Else can you suggest him a way to get a non - hardcore gaming rig with an investment of 25K..? I am adding a couple of thousand extra for start up PS3 discs...? Which will have longevity just long as a PS3, and less headaches. No driver issues, and game optimizations...? Take up just as much space.

Hard core gamer vs. amateur gamer is a moot logic applicable here. Any genre of gamers can utilize this machine.

Also, anyone singing about the advent of the PS4 can keep singing. All songs end one day. Even it does become true, there are truck loads of titles out their (exclusives and PC ported) to keep one occupied for years. Unless you are Gannu, Ethan, Aman, Dinjo, J.J.T.Dragon or Quan Chi types..! :)

Anyone worrying about PS4 can chew on this*, first:

Castlevania: Lords of Shadows

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2


Red Dead Redemption

SAW: The Video Game

Mini Ninjas

Killzone 3

Dead Space: Extraction

SAW II: Flesh & Blood

Red Dead Redemption DLC - Undead Nightmare

Little Big Planet


Knights Contract

Brutal Legend

The Sly Collection

Army of Two

Army of Two: The 40th Day

Little Big Planet 2

Demon's Souls

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty - W.I.P.

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Siren: Blood Curse

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Dead to Rights: Retribution


L.A. Noire

Call of Duty 3

Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy


Dead Nation

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

*copyright Gannu
You cannot play the exclusives of console on your PC and imo, the games which make you come back to pick up the remote again are those exclusives. Well most of em do.

This. And what A.Singh said.

@sim why do you think playing on weekends is waste of money? We have jobs you know?? :) :) It's not like an upgraded PC is going to keep you away from work. And when I said weekend gaming it means "casual gaming" maybe 1/2 hour a day, or whatever hours you can put in.

Casual gamer is more likely to take up Killzone for the Arcadey fun than sit around comparing dx11 and dx9 on Crysis. Which PC game can you compare to God of War 1,2,3 ? Halo Franchise? Gears of War? Mortal Kombat FCS!!

Obviously somebody who loves FPS/RTS will prefer a PC, but this is a chance to diversify and get the BEST games around. Maybe I should get myself a bean bag and a PS3 :)

The old couple must love to play games that is why they went for PS3 and not for a big TV/home theater for their leisure hours. One need not to be hardcore gamer to buy a PC but to buy a console, one should be gamer who plays 4-5 hours daily on his console, uses it properly, not lets the console lying around for the whole week and turn on only on weekends for a couple of hours.


And about upgrade, OP can still use his existing rig for gaming just adding a new monitor, he can play using medium/low settings, and he has mentioned his first liking as TF2 which is an FPS, FPS sucks in consoles.

He can always buy a new low end rig for office use.


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We have to do lots of other works on weekends, you know. I have not said that upgraded PC will end our work. But it can help in our office works also which a ps3 cannot. PCs have got abilities to teach us, not to mention lots of the people go to cyber cafes to learn computer, they have got some educational value but ps3 does not has that.

I am working in IT sector for the last 4.5 years. I used to play games for 16-18 hours per day at college life. When I got my job, within 6 months I bought a PC worth Rs 1 lakh+. Now, I hardly get time to play games and I feel that I would have spent the money in somewhere else rather than for the PC.
And as far as the arguement of a casual gamer shdnt get a console is concerned.. i purchased my ps3 in november.. had procured GoW3 disc even before that and still havent played it. I play very little but the games which are on the ps3 are simply not there on the console.

Moreover, the console guaranteed that my setup wont be outdated for the ps3 games of the future as well. With pc, that thing is not assured all the time.

Picking up a good console from the mkt section from any forum offsets the pricing and similarly games can be purchased as well. Comes down to Rs 50/100 per game once u sell em off in time. Plus you get a really good Blu Ray player as well with the deal.
simforgotten said:

The old couple must love to play games that is why they went for PS3 and not for a big TV/home theater for their leisure hours. One need not to be hardcore gamer to buy a PC but to buy a console, one should be gamer who plays 4-5 hours daily on his console, uses it properly, not lets the console lying around for the whole week and turn on only on weekends for a couple of hours.


And about upgrade, OP can still use his existing rig for gaming just adding a new monitor, he can play using medium/low settings, and he has mentioned his first liking as TF2 which is an FPS, FPS sucks in consoles.

He can always buy a new low end rig for office use.


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We have to do lots of other works on weekends, you know. I have not said that upgraded PC will end our work. But it can help in our office works also which a ps3 cannot. PCs have got abilities to teach us, not to mention lots of the people go to cyber cafes to learn computer, they have got some educational value but ps3 does not has that.

I am working in IT sector for the last 4.5 years. I used to play games for 16-18 hours per day at college life. When I got my job, within 6 months I bought a PC worth Rs 1 lakh+. Now, I hardly get time to play games and I feel that I would have spent the money in somewhere else rather than for the PC.

Really sounds funny, right just making assumptions. :)

I said middle aged lady. That does not make them old per say.

Apparently it is in their living room. So we can safely assume that it is attached to a big-a** LED/LDC/Plasma. It is a substitute not a complimentary device for entertainment. You tell me..? You have PC gaming experience. Which has less head aches today. Pop - in a disc and play, instead of drivers, installation, key check, mapping of key board, system maintenance.

The OP has this:

AMD X3 720 + asus mobo (780 chipset i guess not sure) , 4770 ati gpu, 2x2gb 1333mhz corsair ram on corsair vx450 psu

What type of experience will he get using a decent sized screen..? With a PS3, not matter what size you throw on it, it will look much better. And instead of the 1L investment for a gaming rig, which you hardly touch, you could have invested 19K on a PS3 and still not touched it...! ;) Less of a pain.
simforgotten said:

The old couple must love to play games that is why they went for PS3 and not for a big TV/home theater for their leisure hours. One need not to be hardcore gamer to buy a PC but to buy a console, one should be gamer who plays 4-5 hours daily on his console, uses it properly, not lets the console lying around for the whole week and turn on only on weekends for a couple of hours.



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We have to do lots of other works on weekends, you know. I have not said that upgraded PC will end our work. But it can help in our office works also which a ps3 cannot. PCs have got abilities to teach us, not to mention lots of the people go to cyber cafes to learn computer, they have got some educational value but ps3 does not has that.

I am working in IT sector for the last 4.5 years. I used to play games for 16-18 hours per day at college life. When I got my job, within 6 months I bought a PC worth Rs 1 lakh+. Now, I hardly get time to play games and I feel that I would have spent the money in somewhere else rather than for the PC.

Uhh?? old couple? that was mind blasting, if you know what I mean.
Dude the entire point there was to try and make you understand that a casual gamer doesn't give a flying f*ck about not being able to use it for hours everyday. Casual gamer will be very happy with 1 hour of gaming. Got it ? The Education Imparting PC theory is not valid here since he has a PC at HOME.

Now since he already has a PC good enough for those low end/ medium end games no reason to upgrade, he should buy a console, get best of both worlds.

Exclusives mentioned for consoles are too good to ignore.

So a person who is a casual gamer, doesnt often play games, will buy ps3 + games and sell the old games regularly for 50/100 bucks less than original price and buy new titles? Dont you think this type of hassles dont suite a casual gamer?


PC graphics is always superior to consoles. I had a view of my friend's ps3 hooked with a LG 32 inch tv and FIFA 2010 was on. The display was big but I dint like the gfx quality. I liked it better with my PC hooked to a 40 inch LCD @ full hd. You cant deny the fact.

Also, I invested so much because I thought that when I am in job, still I will play all the upcoming titles and minimum gameplay would be 4-5 hours/day. But that was a wrong assumption by me. And I dont like consoles because I am more into FPS games and we all know FPS games with controller sucks big time.


I have mentioned 'casual gamer' in all of my posts because this type of persons often totally loose interest towards gaming. Even if they get 2 hours leisure in off days, they prefer to plan a outing with the family/do some other fruitful work rather than waste time for games. In that case, console is a total waste. And if one plans in such a manner that his kids will enjoy ps3 later and buy the console and keep it packed in the iron safe, well then he can surely do it.

I know there are lots of excusive titles out there for consoles that are not available on pc, but those titles are exclusive for whom? They are exclusive only for the persons who want to play them, who are utmost interested in gaming, who want to spend significant time in it. Not for a person who has not got too much interest in games.
Lots of exclusive highly priced products are available in the market, but we buy only those exclusive products in which we have lot of interest, so much interest that we dont care how much it cost. Thats the fact.
Above is correct, but it is not necessarily limited to Serious Gamers, I've come across so many people who have never been interested in games, and once they pick up the controller they get hooked to Halo, Tekken, Kinect games and spend a lot of time on it.

Those same people do not want the additional burden of building a PC and figuring out what parts to get. Because they don't care whether they are playing Crysis on PC or Killzone on Consoles. You cannot conclude that casual gamers won't get hooked to serious gaming. The first thing everybody did from my circle was to get a PS2 or Xbox, it's always on, somebody or the other is having a go at it, Guitar Hero and what not. I know people who have never touched a controller but when they do, they play Tekken for hours and hours. I'm sure you must have come across such people in college, too. And these people are not of enthusiast level.

People buy PCs if they are more into FPS/RTS, they get higher end PCs when they want eye candy and in general love the process of "building a PC" and getting the best H/W etc. 2nd Reason would be to get things done which only a PC does.

As far as I've seen, casual gamers will enjoy a console game as much as a PC game w/o worrying too much about the level of detail etc. Consoles provide the right type of titles to satiate that.

I was in the exact situation some months back but I decided to go with a desktop as my laptop got stolen otherwise it might have been a PS3. Also, I've always wanted a good gaming rig :)
But the thing which is missing is God of War series, Halo, Gears of War, Mortal Kombat 2011, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted etc etc. Those are some very good titles.

And since the OP has not replied for quite some AND has somehow inferred that consoles "suck", I'll leave it at that. As for me, I need to borrow a PS3 :) Peace out.
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