I am lost in...

_pappu_ said:
Congratz :)

1 more added to our little pool.
Little pool? We have loads of them - you, me, vb, dominator, viralbug, sunny, arun1, gannu, pappu, saurabh etc. 10 already? :eek:hyeah: :p
^ Add my name with VB :ashamed: I liked the AD700 so much .. might pester him to loan it to me once in a while , in exchange of D2000,RE-0 /whatever he likes :p.
stalker said:
you could have added my name to the list as well.. if it wasn't purple :|

shitty color imho
You can't see the headphones once its on ur head :p .Trust me the amazing sound compensates for the shitty colour . :eek:hyeah:
Bah no one noticed the list properly. :|

@spimmer: Honestly, the purple looks better when you see it in person. Photos don't do justice. :ashamed: :p

And the detailing of these babies are awesome. :D
^haha...you wrote me and gannu,had to do it to bump up the list to 10.

well i should have bought these long ago.But i am really saving up to buy something really hifi.Already have 15k saved up.Another 10-15k to go.
Desecrator said:
Little pool? We have loads of them - you, me, vb, dominator, viralbug, sunny, arun1, gannu, pappu, saurabh etc. 10 already? :eek:hyeah: :p

vb, viralbug and saurabh? LMAO :p me and gannu? you and pappu? You just doubled the list right there. :p
Congrats, Enjoy! Those are an awesome pair of cans. I still remember hearing them at esanthoshs place with the Maverick DAC D1, I fell hook line and sinker. I will join the list of TE users with ad700 sometime soon.
If I may , it isnt as good as a closed can but it isn't bad as the Grados/Allesandros. With a group of people talking near you at high pitch , you might here there talks faintly. If you listen to music in a closed room or something there shouldn't be an issue. More than isolation , sound leakage can be a problem . They can be converted in a portable speaker setup :rofl:.
GuruGulabKhatri said:
Dont Intend To be A party pooper But honestly...hows the Isolation?
That would be a valid question if this were a closed headphone.The whole point of open headphones is that we compromise on isolation for better sound quality.
FaH33m said:
They can be converted in a portable speaker setup :rofl:.
LOL my roommate who is half illiterate when it comes to such stuff, said that they could be used as a portable speakers and wouldn't take my word when I told him this's the case of all open cans and he wouldn't budge! :mad:
Arun1 said:
That would be a valid question if this were a closed headphone.The whole point of open headphones is that we compromise on isolation for better sound quality.
Did I just make an ass out of myself confusing isolation for sound leakage,I think I did :ashamed:
As for the issue at hand,I have my separate room and have the doors shut and its very difficult to hear knocks on the door with the music playing.If the person is in the same room,you could possibly hear them talk but not if they were talking softly.
Desecrator said:
LOL my roommate who is half illiterate when it comes to such stuff, said that they could be used as a portable speakers and wouldn't take my word when I told him this's the case of all open cans and he wouldn't budge! :mad:
Its ohk ..The other day I left my Denons connected to the EF2A when I moved out ,after I return I see volume is turned to 80-90% :O It seems my mom actually used them as speakers to watch a video while the headphones were resting on the 5021s satellite. :| Thankfully they still sound perfect and I dont keep the on the desk when I am not around. :)
^Oh shit! Careful with those cans man. Elderly ones dont realise the value - at least not when you have told them it costs under 1k! Didn't you say that? :p