PC Peripherals I think my PSU blew up

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If OP doesn not wanna get SLI/CF, then its utter waste to get more than 600 watts psu. Seasonic one is a decent choice in low budget. OP can go for it or else, if budget permits, I would recommend none other than VX550. It will be more tha enuff including some headroom for future HDD/GPU/Add on card upgrades.

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tnx,will chk if real power 550 falls in my budget.600 and above wouldbe a waste for my setup. :)
yeah its very unlikely ill sli/cf.vx550 is what im looking at as of now.ill chk the seasonic and real power too
got the VX550!
Mounted it switched my system on and guess what?display doesnt come on! :(
all the fans are working.both plugged to the psu and mobo.gfx cards fan is working,dvd rom is working,hdd sounds like its working but no display!i dont hear any POST either.so what,my mobo is gone? :(
Almost, also check your motherboard for a jumper, you have to remove the jumper and short the remaining two pins. refer your manual, thats the best guide :)
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CA50 said:
Almost, also check your motherboard for a jumper, you have to remove the jumper and short the remaining two pins. refer your manual,
Dmn cant find the manual.anyway i tired placing the jumper to the next slot but again :( ...what are usually the symptoms of a kaput mobo?esp. After a blown psu?
avinash4 said:
Congrats On the PSU. Wise Choice.
tnx,now looks like ill need a mobo too :(
Ok here is a screen shot from your mobo manual, how to clear cmos, try this, it it doesn't work
#strip your pc to bare minimum (mobo+proccy+psu+ram) and check

tnx a lot for the pic ca50.i had done the same and now tried again.also tried booting only with cpu+mobo+psu.all in vain.
CA50 said:
then the problem might be with your mobo :(
:( ill try for a replacement .
Anyway if i have to buy one...what do you recommend?im happy with my MSI ,how much does it cost now?and what are my other options?
Thank you
Well did u try another gfx card ?? I had this lethal combo viz CM Extreme Power+ 500W & Palit 4850 Sonic ... Had to replace my gfx card thrice coz it got fried all the three times (maybe Sonic editions had higher failure rates & CM EPP series is crap!) Now i'm on Vanilla 4850 from Palit & Corsair VX550 and allz fine *touchwood* !

PS: Ignore my post if ur mobo has onboard gfx :)

MY GFX card has been fine.after replacing the PSU,the system fires up but no POST or anything,same with the GFX card removed.So i guess something is wrong with the MOBO.once i get my mobo back i have to check if my GFX card is alive :(


G41 is better than P45?
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