I wanted to confess something.....

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Hey guys,

Generally all my posts are flamboyant and to a extent border a posterity. But today I am kinda low and to get back up there, I need to get this out of my system. This is not regarding any recent happening but happened somewhere around beginning of September. I wont mention any names (dunno if they would take offence to it) but at the end of it all I am truely sorry.

You might have noticed that there was no newsletter (or I didnt get it? but thats not important) in September. As far as my knowledge went, the previous guys working on the NewsLetter became too busy/and/or/preoccupied to work on it anymore. And therefore TE was left in a lurch and did not have any people to work on the news letter.

One of the Gmods (cant take names) approached me and put his full confidence on me to come up with a news letter. I even talked it through one of the Admins about the same and started working on it. But when I approached completion my mind was in a very confused state.

During the creation of the newsletter i realized one thing: I did not enjoy doing it a lot. I was having to drag myself to doing it and because of that my work was suffering. With me it is so that If I am not totally into something the quality of the output is not on par. My dear friend had told me that its okay if the quality suffers, they wanted to get it out. But I was not ready to do that. Either it was a GOOD effort or NOTHING from my side. But I could not get myself to saying that "NO" to my friend and therefore I betrayed the faith he had put on me. Also he had assured others that I would do it, but since I didnt deliver, i think he might have gotten into some sort of problem himself.

Also, there was one other reason. I am sure every dedicated guy in TE aspires to become part of the group some day or the other. It would be serious hypocrisy from someone to deny this. Anyways, long story short, I didnt want to become part of this as a `Newsletter Mod' because that would commit me to doing something every month that I didnt enjoy. I hope you understand what I am trying to say......

Neways to my dear friend:

Sorry yaar, hope you have the heart to forgive me. Dont shut me out for this.

To the dear admin:

Erm, what can I say? I am a confused guy.


i was a super moderator for a immensly popular torrent site and let me tell you that these things happen and usually there is no real bad blood . people do recognise the efforts and if for some reasons things havent borne fruits that fine as well .

if you dont enjoy it they cant force you to do it can they ? .

best is , if there is such a crunch , they should invite people to do write or be part of the news letter team if there is any .
okay, where's the big deal? not being able to complete a newsletter is not the grounds for something that big...or is it? :P
KingKrool said:
I am sure he will forgive you if you tell me what the hell this means -

Me confused.

hahhaah.... words of a confused mind. i am sure i wanted to write something. then mid-word turned to something else.... i guess my first intention was "bordering on posterity"


ps: cant really remember why i wanted to use it.
params7 said:
okay, where's the big deal? not being able to complete a newsletter is not the grounds for something that big...or is it? :P

erm if you read clearly. i did complete but didnt go through with the thing.... well the end result is the same.
hmmmm..i dunno if i should say anythin..in here among all u elder and reputed members...but i feel whoever..it was will u forgive..u KARAN..any ..ways what u did was the right decision what i belive..cauz theres needs to be some work satisfaction to get the work done perfectly isn't it ?
First of all i would like to congratulate karan for the shear strength you have shown to admit the mistake you did and explanation of the reasons behind it. It is really easy to commit mistakes and really tough to admit it and that too in public.

Secondly ; There is always such time in almost every ones life when oneself finds himself at the crossroads. Mind says to follow something while heart says to follow something, while your physical body drags you into altogether different directions.

There are many a reasons behind this which can not be explained in detail in public domain.

and at tender age like yours (i know you are not a kid, but i also know you are at the junction of youthfull exuberance and young maturity) so you are confused about which way to take.

I would say believe in your instince and gut feeling and you will always taste the success.

If I were your friend, i would happily forgive you and continue our friendship from here.

This kind of things you are going to encounter again and again. this is because ours is a community not a commercial site. People enthusiastically join and also become part of the team, but while executing the duties they find themselves at the cross roads of enthusiasm, duties, responsibilities and priorities.

You will have to learn to take this into you stride and good spirit and also have a big heart to forgive.

Whatever happens but the show must go on........
medpal said:
First of all i would like to congratulate karan for the shear strength you have shown to admit the mistake you did and explanation of the reasons behind it. It is really easy to commit mistakes and really tough to admit it and that too in public.

Secondly ; There is always such time in almost every ones life when oneself finds himself at the crossroads. Mind says to follow something while heart says to follow something, while your physical body drags you into altogether different directions.

There are many a reasons behind this which can not be explained in detail in public domain.

and at tender age like yours (i know you are not a kid, but i also know you are at the junction of youthfull exuberance and young maturity) so you are confused about which way to take.

I would say believe in your instince and gut feeling and you will always taste the success.

If I were your friend, i would happily forgive you and continue our friendship from here.

This kind of things you are going to encounter again and again. this is because ours is a community not a commercial site. People enthusiastically join and also become part of the team, but while executing the duties they find themselves at the cross roads of enthusiasm, duties, responsibilities and priorities.

You will have to learn to take this into you stride and good spirit and also have a big heart to forgive.

Whatever happens but the show must go on........

reading this made my day..... now waiting for the 2 people to say something... anything. one of them hasnt talked to me in weeks and doesnt reply. dunno if he is really mad or majorly pissed.
I'll make this quick: buddy, the world didn't end as a result of no Sep newsletter and it's clear TE didn't shutdown either, so all is good I guess ;) Weekend's here... have a beer, chill out, oh and lan party this Sunday! :D
RiO said:
I'll make this quick: buddy, the world didn't end as a result of no Sep newsletter and it's clear TE didn't shutdown either, so all is good I guess ;) Weekend's here... have a beer, chill out, oh and lan party this Sunday! :D

i agree.... it wasnt a FATAL error on my part. but i value my friendship with this guy a lot. and it really bothers me that he has taken it to his heart. think of me as gay or whatever, but I cant have people I like upset at me like this. Thats just not me.

Karan said:
Hey guys,

Generally all my posts are flamboyant and to a extent border a posterity. But today I am kinda low and to get back up there, I need to get this out of my system. This is not regarding any recent happening but happened somewhere around beginning of September. I wont mention any names (dunno if they would take offence to it) but at the end of it all I am truely sorry.

Allright,when I read this part..I was kinda curious at first,like you must have really done something bad..like steal someone else's gf or maybe some *ahem*...but then all my imagination came crashing down like a 2-seater plane carrying 4 hippos right onto my brain when I saw tht it all about a newsletter.
whateve_r said:
Ban him ^^

greenhorn said:
yeah, somebody go fetch the village mob and prepare the stakes :judge:

How abt we ask sandy to do the honors for us,I mean he's gonna come to the bangalore meet and besides you can choose the weapon you wan't so sandy can lay the smackdown on him :P

params7 said:
okay, where's the big deal? not being able to complete a newsletter is not the grounds for something that big...or is it? :P

Nah!! Unless he didn't share the last slice of pizza with his friend,then tht's somehing to be mad about.:cool2:
Boy o boy...really I also read the topic and thought, WTF...wats about to come....but, , , an aborted newsletter....duh!

Having said that, I presonally appreciate that he, for whatever reasons, came forward and admitted his mistakes or what he perceieved as mistakes. That takes a lot of guts and I respect him for that.

Then again, Karan, you sure its not something else bothering you....now am I confused???
Damn you Karan I thought you assaulted someone or robbed a bank but of all the vices you did the unthinkable..you..youu..youuu didnt make a proper newsletter :banned:, guys bring on the "elite hunters" and smoke him...
What have you done karan...How could you....
Hand him over to the cops...

oh nooooooooooooooooooooo

me goes hides and :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is there something else thats bothering you?
vij said:
Damn you Karan I thought you assaulted someone or robbed a bank but of all the vices you did the unthinkable..you..youu..youuu didnt make a proper newsletter, guys bring on the "elite hunters" and smoke him...
What have you done karan...How could you....
Hand him over to the cops...

oh nooooooooooooooooooooo

I guess you all are missing the point here. I couldnt KEEP my word to MY friend. That was the mistake (i wont label it crime) and that is what I am confessing to.

I hope I clear some of this insolent confusion.

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