I wanted to confess something.....

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yeah...that was my initial feeling..Dont we all know when when one tends to thinkkkkkk...the times when everything touches...
vij said:
man see how many are viewing....its fullhouse
this...shows..tht all TE ..members..care for each other ..and love..each other we all are here not only to gain some tech knowledge..but also to be gr88..friends this is just not a communty..theres..some..gr88 chemistry .in here. ..:hap2: :hap2::)
hellfire said:
oh....oh oh :'(

:cheers: :hug:

what happend...??dont u feel..what i said was..true....if u need love and ..are sad..tell me...dont worry..i am not a gay :rofl:

cauz thts the only..thing..a 16 year old can give..u .though..my own life..is mixed with love and hatred !!
That was good... But i think such matters should be settled privately and not publicly... Its not good only coz it shows one person in good light and the other one is bad...coz there is no viewpoint of the other person..

Just my though karan...no hard feelings.. ;) And i am hope u two get back being friends... :P
:bleh: big deal man...ur one member TE can't do without and all these things really dont matter :) so chill !!!
Josh said:
But i think such matters should be settled privately and not publicly... Its not good only coz it shows one person in good light and the other one is bad...coz there is no viewpoint of the other person..

:ohyeah: I could not agree more. Now it can be made worse by taking their names.
@karan - it could very well be that you are assuming the reasons. At this level/age no one is stupid enough to shut you off for the reasons you stated. If your good friend is not talking to you at all, then there is always something much deeper and long standing than that. Your intention was good but look what your shallow introspection did.

How do you expect them to reply over here. You could have tried spamming his mailbox first. :bleh:
@others - since no one is getting paid for the work we dont expect any level of proficiency from anyone. Whatever they can do is fine with us, we just let each other know what needs to be done and of course other feedbacks. So even if the job didnt get done is fine with us as we encourage everyone to prioritise their lives before TE. Newsletter can never be a prob.
until he mends fences with this unnamed TE member, i doubt if his gloom will leave him. wonder who that is tho...
Karan! I have a crystal ball! It tells me that when you throw a party for all TE members, your friend will come too and forgive you!

I'm just having fun, I can't attend your little bash.
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