IC : Case Side Windows - Made to order

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Case side windows made to order as per your specs. I can get any design done, with whatever size you require. The above mentioned price is for a normal case side window, with 1 120 mm or 80 mm fan space, with screw holes.

Additions to the window:

1. In case you want slats that will be an extra 25/- per fan hole.

2. I can also get any brand name or anything else etched onto the case with a laser. This will cost 100-200/- depending on the size of the logo or name

Please send me a simple drawing on paint or any other software with the dimensions and also where you would like to place the fans, with distance between the bottom and side of the panel clearly mentioned. Please PM me with your requirements and will work out the costing and sent it to you. I have given a sample below.

Please note this is only for acrylic work.
[mod]You must provide 2 clearly visible pictures of the product along with your TE username and date written by hand on a piece of paper next to the product. Try to provide picture of bundled accessories if any.

nice going mav. i will be getting it on my cm690 soon. had a couple of questions:
1. If i do not provide my cm 690 panel, what material would u be using for the panel. I understand that the transparent parts will be acrylic sheets, but what would support it.
2. Since i am in bangalore, can drop in to get it once done? In that case where r u located?
@ Switch
Buddy even i am interested in moddin my Cm334Elite , let me know we can ship together .

tangentray said:
nice going mav. i will be getting it on my cm690 soon. had a couple of questions:
1. If i do not provide my cm 690 panel, what material would u be using for the panel. I understand that the transparent parts will be acrylic sheets, but what would support it.
2. Since i am in bangalore, can drop in to get it once done? In that case where r u located?

I would like to know that too , should i send my panel or will you make a new one :huh:
Hey guys just to clarify in case of any confusion, I will be providing the acrylic part which is the side window. You need to still cut the case panel yourself. I dont have the required stuff to do a clean job and therefore would rather not get into it as of now. If this does work out, maybe will look to invest in some more tools. As of now only the acrylic windows are available.

Please also note that to attah fans I would suggest long screws with a bolt on the other end. This will make sure that the acrylic does not crack while fitting the fans. If you use the normal screws which come with fans clike cm ones they will crack any acrylic sheet. You can also use rubber washers to reduce any noise.
Switch said:
You send your panel... New one would be quite expensive...
Hmm ok , are you gonna send ?
OT - BTW, Switch you any such guy here ?

EDIT - Just checked that i ll have to cut the cabi myself , can't do that so i am OUT .
mav2000 said:
Hey guys just to clarify in case of any confusion, I will be providing the acrylic part which is the side window. You need to still cut the case panel yourself. I dont have the required stuff to do a clean job and therefore would rather not get into it as of now. If this does work out, maybe will look to invest in some more tools. As of now only the acrylic windows are available.

Please also note that to attah fans I would suggest long screws with a bolt on the other end. This will make sure that the acrylic does not crack while fitting the fans. If you use the normal screws which come with fans clike cm ones they will crack any acrylic sheet. You can also use rubber washers to reduce any noise.

Well in that case it makes no sense in getting it from you honestly speaking. The Acrylic sheet is available easily available with the glass guys for Rs 35 per sq feet for about 4MM thickness. And they can cut and eitch on the sheet too ofcourse they will take the labor charges but it would be a lot cheaper then Rs 450 per side panel window which you are charging. Only of you can cut the side panel and do a neat job makes it worthwhile in getting it done from you. No point if we ourselves got to do that job.

I guess for a little more i can get this job done for somebody else then save a few bucks and take all the trouble.
Switch said:
Well in that case it makes no sense in getting it from you honestly speaking. The Acrylic sheet is available easily available with the glass guys for Rs 35 per sq feet for about 4MM thickness. And they can cut and eitch on the sheet too ofcourse they will take the labor charges but it would be a lot cheaper then Rs 450 per side panel window which you are charging. Only of you can cut the side panel and do a neat job makes it worthwhile in getting it done from you. No point if we ourselves got to do that job.

I guess for a little more i can get this job done for somebody else then save a few bucks and take all the trouble.

Amen to that . , switch bhai check na if you can get some one to do this job locally ..
EDIT - Switch YGPM
Just checked there is DIY Kit available on TE for Rs 350. I guess that's a cheaper deal. Also for Rs 500 one can get the whole job done.


@uday I can but no time. If you can spare time then i can tell you the exact shops in Noida who will do the job for you. The acrylic as well as the side panel cutting and in case you want your whole case to be powder coated then that too.
no problem sir. Just a IC as this was something I was doing more out of interest rather than to earn. Will close this as it seems it is easier to do in your home cities. Thanks for your interest. Maybe I can get back with the whole service soon. Will elt you guys know. Mods please close this thread.
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