Amazon USA has listed 5 pieces of Tempered Glass Screen protector for 23.75$
As per calculation it comes around 300 per piece .®-Hardness-Protector-One-Disposable/dp/B00LP64UQ8/ref=sr_1_24?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1418138476&sr=1-24&keywords=oneplus tempered
I will keep 1 for me , 4 others will be shipped to interested people. Shipping will be as actual.
1. @hot zubs taking 2 pieces
2. @iknowledge
3. @damn
As per calculation it comes around 300 per piece .®-Hardness-Protector-One-Disposable/dp/B00LP64UQ8/ref=sr_1_24?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1418138476&sr=1-24&keywords=oneplus tempered
I will keep 1 for me , 4 others will be shipped to interested people. Shipping will be as actual.
1. @hot zubs taking 2 pieces
2. @iknowledge
3. @damn
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