No friend. I didnt use PPObox. Change my mind and got mobile from local marketSorry to bump old thread. Did you got your phone through PPO Box
No friend. I didnt use PPObox. Change my mind and got mobile from local marketSorry to bump old thread. Did you got your phone through PPO Box
Thanks! How's SnS also how much can i expect shipping + Customs on phone at 25k value?
Buying after along time so please recommend . Want a datacard cost inclusive of all $21 from . Which one to use ishop , SNS or ppobox for the cheapest option . Available on GEB for 2200 after coupons
No.ICC World, can buy and ship the ebay auction items if i share the username and password?
Saturday and Sunday are holidays. Wait a bit?Couple of my shipments delivered on Friday still has not been updated to my account. Have had problems with packages not getting updated recently.
Anyone else having similar problems?
Just write amazon.I am getting some stuff from Amazon(sold by Amazon directly) through PPOBox, when entering the new shipment form PPOBox is now asking for the " Name and address of the shipper/store " what address should I be putting in it ?, am not able to find the address of Amazon in their 'Contact Us' page.