C cricfan Explorer Oct 8, 2012 #21 Whats the ideal size of a chaddi for a late 20's man...there is no one size fits all solution.Know your measurements and carve out sizes accordingly..on the hard drive that is..
Whats the ideal size of a chaddi for a late 20's man...there is no one size fits all solution.Know your measurements and carve out sizes accordingly..on the hard drive that is..
J jayson Contributor Oct 13, 2012 #23 I would go for 3 partition. 100GB for windows 7 100GB for ubuntu 400GB for Media files 400GB for other documents
I would go for 3 partition. 100GB for windows 7 100GB for ubuntu 400GB for Media files 400GB for other documents
sudhanshu123 Contributor Oct 13, 2012 #24 jayson said: I would go for 3 partition. 100GB for windows 7 100GB for ubuntu 400GB for Media files 400GB for other documents Click to expand... really?again with the overshooting sizes?read my earlier posts,windows would only see 931.5 GB of a 1TB HDD !!!
jayson said: I would go for 3 partition. 100GB for windows 7 100GB for ubuntu 400GB for Media files 400GB for other documents Click to expand... really?again with the overshooting sizes?read my earlier posts,windows would only see 931.5 GB of a 1TB HDD !!!