Ideas / Topics for Final Year Project in Php !!!!!!!


On a Journey called Life :P
As the title says it :)

I am in my final year of B.Sc.I.T and now want to start thinking about the project !
project is for 200 marks and people mostly go for or java and make something like library management or recruitment, books, student, matrimonial or bla bla which seems very common and boring to me.

Please help me out with ideas or topics that i can do in Php + mysql or oracle + ajax or html5 +css3 java.

I am out of ideas after searching online for web applications :|

some are interesting but no one their to support me in team ! rest were boring !!!

I am thinking for some thing related to cloud compute web app or some thing interesting that will pay my hard work with 180 + marks out of 200 marks.

Please try not to redirect me to other sites for list of project as i am also going through them as i get time for googling :p

thank you for reading my thread :D

Have a nice day / night ahead :cool:
An online point of sale system would be a very good project. That is what I made as my major project during my btech
Can u shade some more light on it like what kind of thing was it ???????
means was it like eBay, amazon, flicker, snap deal type thing ?
in my opinion if you studied about cryptography then make site on that which ll be related to your score and can provide you with some plus marks... pm me if need any personal help
in my opinion if you studied about cryptography then make site on that which ll be related to your score and can provide you with some plus marks... pm me if need any personal help

We have Cryptography in this sem i.e. in sem V !
So What kind of site r u talking about ???????
is it about encrypting data for a client and storing it ???
pron. err... I mean entertainment site. you know like video playback and streaming etc...

if you are making any shopping cart application, you should take aliexpress and jabong as benchmark.
How about something using WebGL?
Not much server side stuffs, mostly HTML5 + JS.
You can get some ideas here

You can create an awesome game using WebGL.

This seems to be nice too But will the External Examiner entertain it ???
Mean it's go for fun but will eat lots of resource from client side and I am also out of ideas of what kind of project can i do on it :/
Though i can include it in my project at some part :)

Thanks for the link :cool: