iem for 1-1.5k

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i am a casual music listener.i cant differentiate much between 2 headphones.which is the best among- 21 30
3.meelectronics m9
4.Fischer Audio Toughstuff TS-9001
5.Fischer Audio Toughstuff TS-9002
is there much difference betwen the last two?
PL-30 for balanced sound and very light bass. PL-21 for slightly bassy version of PL-30 . Meelectronics M9 for bass oriented , fun sounding IEMs with good soundstage but slightly recessed midrange.The rest I haven't tried so can't say :P
@faheem amarbir says that the Fischer Audio Toughstuff TS-9001 is far better than pl21.when will you test fischer audio?
tech_savy said:
@faheem amarbir says that the Fischer Audio Toughstuff TS-9001 is far better than pl21.when will you test fischer audio?

How Can he tell you he has no idea of the TS-9002 .
The MFi doesn't sound too bad but it drowns in its own mediocrity in every other way..Take Build Quality For example.Trust TE Experts & Go for an M9/RE2 Li Open-Box Deal

*Why Bug Urself when they are more Than happy to be badgered by u :)*
GuruGulabKhatri said:
The MFi doesn't sound too bad but it drowns in its own mediocrity in every other way..Take Build Quality For example.Trust TE Experts & Go for an M9/RE2 Li Open-Box Deal

*Why Bug Urself when they are more Than happy to be badgered by u :)*
@ Guru ,

I Am Now bundling The Biflanges With The Same Deal Free of Cost
@ Guru ,

I Am Now bundling The Biflanges With The Same Deal Free of Cost
@OP See? Now u Got The Biflanges Too ( According to me They provide a more Balanced Sound and Better Isolation than Normal Tips ) Go for the RE2 Buddy

1.Open a a New account @ EBay

2.Use the Khojguru Coupon

3.Goto -


5.U Save 1405 -150 = 1255 (Voila! U Just saved the shipping)

let Us know What u think
GuruGulabKhatri said:
@OP See? Now u Got The Biflanges Too ( According to me They provide a more Balanced Sound and Better Isolation than Normal Tips ) Go for the RE2 Buddy

1.Open a a New account @ EBay

2.Use the Khojguru Coupon

3.Goto - eBay India: Headdirect RE2 [ Open Box With Just One Silicon Tip ] (item 150502602656 end time 04-Nov-2010 09:52:07 IST)


5.U Save 1405 -150 = 1255 (Voila! U Just saved the shipping)

let Us know What u think
Guru ,

Man I even Said Something similiar To Him In My FA thread ,Lets See What Decision He Makes .
Well op sorry for capturing your thread but I had a similar query

I too need some good IEM's well but with medium bass and overall balanced output

I mostly like listening to POP music and slower tracks and not much Rock music

I just tested my friend's Pl 21 but didn't see too much difference between them and the samsung IEMs and thought to upgrade to better earphones
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