If you smoke or intend to smoke in future you need to see this.....

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thanks for your appreciation but why i posted specifically is that i am one of the sub class of elite who encounter the victims of smoking so often in our practice the excalmation changes from

awesome!! to awfull???? in a minute.

Digital Death > considering many of my family members r smokers and so i guessis in others its not a wise way to say that. better say govt needs to ban it and scientists needs a way so tht they refrains 4m smoking.
x86 said:
Digital Death > considering many of my family members r smokers and so i guessis in others its not a wise way to say that. better say govt needs to ban it and scientists needs a way so tht they refrains 4m smoking.

no offence dude, but why are you blaming everyone else but the people who smoke??

Do the cigarette companies FORCE anyone to start smoking?? No they dont.

People pick up this habit in college due to peer pressure(usually....not always). Dont give the excuse of ignorance. Most people today know that smoking is injurious to health.

And even if you start smoking, you can always give it up. I know it is tough. It is very very tough. But not impossible. what is more valuable to a smoker ?? His cigarettes or his loved ones ?? what abt the man who is the sole earning member of his family and he dies of lung cancer ??

I squarely blame the smokers themselves. No one else is to blame. To smoke or not to smoke is in your hands.

It is upto you to make a decision.
x86 said:
Digital Death > considering many of my family members r smokers and so i guessis in others its not a wise way to say that.

So what? even my dad is a chain smoker, he has been like that for the past 25 years so don't tell me that it isn't a wise thing to say.If they ever did want to live, they woudnt have started smoking.Because they know the outcome of this action.Its a scientific fact that one cigeratte reduces a man's lifespan by 7 minutes.So, thats about 50x365x25...you do the math realise the harsh reality of the consequence of smoking.

Im sorry if I offended you by that, but I din't mean to say your family or anyone elses for that matter.

Do you know what i say to my friends in college who smoke?

I say: 'Just pick up that knife and stick it riiight in your chest....you might as well speeden it up...your just slowing the process down'

I will definatly not even touch a cigeratte bud in my life not only because Im highly asthamatic but I want to live a healthy and full life.

I can't even BEGIN to imagine what would happen to me if I even sniff that tobacco.I was almost killed in the 2th standard because of my a serious asthamatic attack.
ZZ i dont understand why you guys are getting pissed of at people who smoke? :huh:
its their body let them do what they want with it :bleh:
lol re ^^ its k and nikhil yeah i know smoking is injurious and i dont smoke too. thing is that whether it harms or not depends on the genetical formation of ones.it definitely harms more or less way.
once when i was kid one of my teacher told me a cig takes away 5 minutes of ur life 5 cigs a day takes away 25 mines if u live 70 years (25*30*12*70)/(60*24*30) = 14 months. its jyst a speculation but he said why live 1 year more and ruin the enjoyments of smoking throughout life.
how smoking deteroits health is entirely dependent on genetic constitution as well as diets it is obviously injurious but tht doesnt means all who smokes have to die.
@Medpal : Is there an effective method by which one can stop smoking ? coz of my college Friends and my personal curiousity I started smoking 6 months ago ! Earlier it used to be 1 cigarette in a week , then it became once a day , then twice a day and now since i am living alone , it has become 5-6 cigarettes a day ! I Really Need to quit This ! Not That I am addicted to it or anything but its just that whenever I Get an urge to smoke , I am not able to control myself and give up to that urge ! so any effective way to quit This will be welcomed ! :)

Smokers deserve to die.
Thats too Harsh ! Think before u Type ! I Know its very Harmfull but Its not that smokers dont wanna quit it ! Its just that this Habbit is not that easzy to quit ! :|
Bluffmaster said:
@Medpal : Is there an effective method by which one can stop smoking ? coz of my college Friends and my personal curiousity I started smoking 6 months ago ! Earlier it used to be 1 cigarette in a week , then it became once a day , then twice a day and now since i am living alone , it has become 5-6 cigarettes a day ! I Really Need to quit This ! Not That I am addicted to it or anything but its just that whenever I Get an urge to smoke , I am not able to control myself and give up to that urge ! so any effective way to quit This will be welcomed ! :)

You love your family in Delhi dont you ?? Think abt your mother and father. Think abt your sister/brother(if any). Think abt your best friends. Think abt your Girlfriend if any.

Every time you light up, think abt your family and how devastated they would be if you had lung cancer and died at an early age.

And abt the every cigarette cutting 7 mins of yourlife, that may be true. But what abt the increased chances of oral cancer, lung caner, etc ???

Lung cancer wont cut 7 minutes of your life....but many years. You could die at the age of 40 if you are unlucky enough to get affected by lung cancer.

One of my family members died..... and he left behind 2 daughters. Both of them quite small..... It is so tragic. and these girls had been telling him for months to quit. But he didnt listen saying that nothing would happen to him.

Another thing you could try Bluffy and nicotine patches or chewing gum. There are some special chewing gums which sort of help you get over your addiction.
@bluffmaster :

its your will power that will help you out. if you live alone make friends with people who do not have this habit or who hate this habit.

still if you need help then consult a good psychiatrist who are the experts in field of de-addiction.

edit : after reading nikhil`s post above those chewing gums are like a placebo while you are chewing your mind thinks it is getting enough stimulation and you do not feel the urge to smoke. kind of a masking
As i see it smokeing is a disease rather then a habbit. And as few others said you need to cure a disease.There are various methods which will help you in getting there along with strong will power. Just will power or just cure wont let you cure the disease.

I have a friend named vaibhav whose cousion elder brother passed away few months ago. He was just 34 :O and a Chain Smoker. Now this frined of mine who again was a chain smoker is trying to give up smoking. Earlier he used to consume like 1 pack a day to the least now its more like one puff a day on monthly average. I know even thats bad but atleast he is trying. And so should you guys who are thinking about quitting.

Incedently just about all my friends smoke. And trust me all of them regret it.

Good luck to you guys :D.
its all about will power .. most of my friends are smoker .. and i dont smoke at all so I smoke coz of my frnd pushes me doesnt work ... :cool2:
infact i still dont under stand why do people start to smoke :S .. i tried once in skool .. in class 11 ,and the taste of nicotin turned me off !!!!!!!!! infact its the most awefull thing i have ever tasted .

and Bluff .. try quit smoking yaar .. get addicted in some other stuffs ..
@Nikhil : Geeezz , U scaring me man ......:P Ya I Know very well the Dangers of smokin ! Thanx for the suggestion ! Anyways I am going to delhi in july end for 2 months and there I wont be able to smoke even once , so I Guess this Habbit will go :)!

@ Medpal : Thanks for the suggestion Pal...:)
edit : after reading nikhil`s post above those chewing gums are like a placebo while you are chewing your mind thinks it is getting enough stimulation and you do not feel the urge to smoke. kind of a masking

Thanks again :P Now I Know those chewing Gums will not effect me at all ..... :'(

infact i still dont under stand why do people start to smoke .. i tried once in skool .. in class 11 ,and the taste of nicotin turned me off !!!!!!!!! infact its the most awefull thing i have ever tasted .

99.9 % People Like me start smokin to make a style statement ( I Know this is silly , but its True ) :S but then it slowly becomes a Habbit and when they Realize that wat a fool they have been , its too late as they r already addicted to it ! :(
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