If you smoke or intend to smoke in future you need to see this.....

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Bluffmaster said:
@Nikhil : Geeezz , U scaring me man ......:P Ya I Know very well the Dangers of smokin ! Thanx for the suggestion ! Anyways I am going to delhi in july end for 2 months and there I wont be able to smoke even once , so I Guess this Habbit will go :)!

@ Medpal : Thanks for the suggestion Pal...:)
Thanks again :P Now I Know those chewing Gums will not effect me at all ..... :'(

99.9 % People Like me start smokin to make a style statement ( I Know this is silly , but its True ) :S but then it slowly becomes a Habbit and when they Realize that wat a fool they have been , its too late as they r already addicted to it ! :(
At least you acknowledge that you have a problem :D That is the first concrete step to getting over your problem.

Good luck!!
Hey bluff . Better give it up. Maybe try to do yogas and gym regularly to avoid being lonely.
If not cancer them most smokers certainly end up with copd.
I WILL never smoke in my life, am 100% sure of that, i can live without it.

And my dear friends, if you are addicted or have the habbit of smoking i advice plz leave it asap. I promise, you guyz wont regret it.

Bluffy said:
BTW Having 2 cans of Beer once in a Month is not Harmfull , Right ?
hell no :P ....even a can of beer every week wont be harmful.

Alcohol by itself taken in moderation is totally safe. Problem is when people go overboard
That was an amazing Image, first off...

Now, back to the Smoking part, Do you guys know that Passive smoking is as harmful, if not more harmful, than Smoking?

I used to be around Gamers, all the time, Who smoke, Now everytime, they smoke, i just walk far away.

Honestly, Ive had the urge to smoke, really really bad, I always wanted to try it, but I still havent, Im just refraining from it, Coz, I really dont wanna die early.

One effective way, of getting over smoking, would be doing Hookah, people tell me that it has the same effect as smoking, but its just slower, but, its almost totally harmless. Honestly, ive done Hookah myself, just about 6 - 7 times, but now, ive stopped, totally, period.

I totally Despise smokers. When I see a few of my friends, rather Gaming colleagues smoking, I totally get pissed off, and walk away. Coz, they just dont listen.

There are so many ways to get over smoking, Heard of Nicotine Patches? Theyre available in USA, not in India AFAIK, and i brought back a whole box, for my uncle. Hes stopped smoking now. Its been about a year.

@ Bluff, having even a beer a day, isnt harmful, just dont get drunk :P. Ive gotten drunk a few times, and I hate myself for that. Even though it felt really good at that time :P.
yeah...... passive smoking is juts as bad...but sometimes you dont have a choice...

I throw filthy looks at the people smoking around me. But they just dont get the hint.

Luckily, none of my friends smoke...
COPD-congestive obstructive pulmonary disorder
it is more common then lung cancer i guess.
Anyways please do not say beer is harmless or anything . It is .
I have seen many people start with beer and now routinely thriving on 8'o' clock and dsp black.
my dad smokes arnd 4/5 pouch cigs a day he makes em with half the quantity of tobacco a normal cig has i'm sure about tht.
aditya how to use those patches ? and any way to stop dad? :P
Aditya said:
One effective way, of getting over smoking, would be doing Hookah, people tell me that it has the same effect as smoking, but its just slower, but, its almost totally harmless. Honestly, ive done Hookah myself, just about 6 - 7 times, but now, ive stopped, totally, period.

lol who told you that, people who are heavy smokers think those who do hookah are kids.

Im not sure if a hookah is totally harmless coz in the end its smoke maybe less harmful than a cigg. Medpal please clear this part.

I read in the times of india long back that living in mumbai is like smoking 10 packs of ciggs. :(
i dont smoke but i am surrounded by smokers ... i have been smoking passively for around 5-6 years now and in good quantity ... most of my good frnds smoke... but i never got the urge to do it myself ...i am content with beer it seems :P
A Cig a day wont do much harm, will it doc??

I mean its just a cigarette per day.

Please clear up this for me doc :(.
cigaretter are bad by way of the nicotin itself. over and above the smoke it self is carrying so much high temperature that causing thermal damage which is much more toxic and is immediately harmfull.

@Darthcoder : a cig or a puff of smoke can be dangerous to anyone who is susceptible. it can be you or me (provided we smoke). i have seen people affected by cancer even with low levels of smoking (as they call it).

@aditya : hukka is one of the smoking method only the disadvantages are that it carries much more concentration of nicotine and temperatures are high too. people prefer it because of the way of mixing things up. so it is also dangerous.

Cancer is the ultimate danger but people often oversee the immediate dangers, like allergic symptoms, throat problems, lung problems like COPD, Asthma, chronic acidity, gastric ulcerations, digestive problems.

another major problem is economic one. those who smoke here just calculate the cost of each cigaretter with you cosume per day with 365 days the amount will be staggering you are missing out on a good upgrade every year.

Alcohol in limited amounts is not harmfull but LIMITED amount is the keyword. which type of alcohol is also important. the amount of alcohol is also different for every type of alcohols.

so how much you smoke does not matter what matters is that you are not taking care of your self as well as your surroundings.
I started smoking last year - one of many 'american evils' I picked up, lol(the others need not be mentioned in public....).But believe me all that nicotine patch and 'smoke-free' cigarettes is bakwaas, the only way to quit smoking is to drink a lot of water and juice(in my experience orange juice helps especially) and lift weights....I am down to a pack a fortnight and gonna cease soon.One thing that nicotine does do, however: keep you awake.
^^Eggjactly ! That is the Reason I will quit smoking after this Month ! I Have Got exams this month and for that I Have be awake at Night and believe me taking 1 or 2 cig at night Really helps in Keeping u awake ! You feel Neither sleepy nor Tired ! :D
^^thats true but long term smoking causes loss of memory as well.If u do smoke ,don't do it for more than a year, cause then the damages become permanent.
Bluffmaster said:
^^Eggjactly ! That is the Reason I will quit smoking after this Month ! I Have Got exams this month and for that I Have be awake at Night and believe me taking 1 or 2 cig at night Really helps in Keeping u awake ! You feel Neither sleepy nor Tired ! :D

All the above are lame excuses.You don't have to stay awake in the night for studying. There's something called day. Balance your work accordingly. Lack of sleep doesn't exactly help in boosting your memory. Your cramming probably would go to waste if you couldn't remember half the things in exams.

Quit smoking now. It is now or never.

And if staying up in night is absolutely necessary, take coffee instead.
@ Bluff, People keep saying ill quit smoking after this month, after this month.. It never happens, you have to do it NOW.

My friend said, hed quit Smoking on his Bday, last year, that was November, hes in USA now, and still smokes... He said hes tried, but I dont believe him.
bumping this old thread with this pic i got in email forward.

really intusive and elaborative.

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