IGN picks PS3 as best new console of 2006

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IGN picks PS3 as best new console of 2006

Hell froze over. We've got some positive Sony news today. IGN has picked the PS3 as the best new console of 2006 despite its lackluster launch and widespread criticism. Even though there were only two new consoles to choose from and despite its lack of games, IGN says the PS3 wins the best console award on potential alone:

"Judging the consoles based upon a broad perspective that includes software now available and coming in the future an entirely different argument could be formulated. However, from a hardware perspective, the PS3 is by far the more interesting console. Though the launch software hasn't blown anyone away, the 360's launch titles were equally unimpressive, and the system will certainly mature. Sony's embrace of the PS3 as a computer rather than just a console, and the availability of supported Linux distributions for the console will also develop and will likely bear entirely unexpected fruit in future."

It's refreshing to see someone play Devil's Advocate, but that reads like IGN's best new computer award, not best console award. Hardware, Linux distros ... sounds exciting! Anyone else stoked for the PS3's future potential?

IGN picks PS3 as best new console of 2006 - Joystiq
Well, when there are two competitors, there is hardly a competition! Still, good for Sony, they finally got some good press. Unfortunately, no one cares about IGN apart from hardcore gamers.

And that group is not going to be able to get them the huge sales they need to recover their money. The main problem (for Sony) is that the media that needs to support them (mainstream news media) isn't - and that is a problem, because parents will be hardpressed to spend 600-700USD on a games console, but that is the only way to get the few million sales they need.

Sony is going to have to cut prices fast. Then the other media will support them.
I don't doubt that. That is the place they will lose to MS. After all, the X360 was pretty expensive in the beginning too (not as expensive, but expensive nonetheless), but they could drop prices. Sony will be in a bind, unless they can ramp up Bluray production.
Maybe addition of Bluray to ps3 was a bad idea.Also they should have let either ATI or nvidia develop graphics for ps3.But sony's arrogant and now they may have to pay a price!!
^^ initially they were hoping to use the Cell for graphics, which did not go well either. Then there was the blu ray diode problem and Cell processor yield issue. So while Sony would love to have you believe all was sundry with the ps3, in reality this was probably their most troublesome and the most expensive venture. In an effort to outdo the competition they screwed themselves......
Sony won't do anything, the heat the Ps2 was receiving from Dreamcast was double the amount Ps3 is receiving from Xbox360 now, and they don't care about BluRay being forced down the throats either, people criticised the Ps2 for including the DVD as well. The launch is a total repeat. Ps2 only had SSX, Ps3 only has R FoM.

The Dreamcast was destroying the Ps2 with 10/10 titles like Shenmue, Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur, Ps2 sturggled against Dreamcast sales and suddenly turned the tide on Dreamcast with Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty's release and Final Fantasy10's hype and with newcomers like Headhunter (Ps3 has Rockstars L.A Noire, SCEE's The Getaway, SCEA's Eight Days, Capcom's Devil May Cry 4 -All looking great at this point)

Xbox360 has only started with Gears Of War.

So given the experience Sony had to go through with the Ps2, I don't think they're even close to panicking out now, given the massive amount of support they're getting from all the major hollywood studios (Disney being perhaps THE major Hollywood studio that will decide the winner with titles like Pirates of the Carribean, its exclusively supporting bluray, Spiderman 3 is the biggest thing in 2007 and its bluray exclusive from Sony Pictures) except Universal (which is showing signs of shifting sides as well) for BluRay of which the Ps3 is the main carrier and the cheapest.

Price Cut is only coming once MGS4 fails to sell the systems, this will only be seen in the years christmas holiday sales.
^^The difference is Microsoft is no Sega and it just won't go bankrupt trying to sell consoles :rofl:. On the other hand Sony itself might cos Playstation was the only profitable Sony division and if that sinks too, sony is no more.
I don't think so. Nintendo came back after being grilled for two generations with N64 and Gamecube with the Wii, lets say the Ps3 fails and by 2010 still lags behind Xbox360 and Wii which I very strongly doubt, Sony will gain the experience to come back on top with the Ps4.

Ps3's demise will not spell Sony a bankrupt. I won't believe all those analysts for now, if Sega and Nintendo were alive after 2 consecutive console failures, (and Sega still makes games, some of them like Sonic being quite high-budget), Sony can definitely come back with Ps4.

But that's better left ignored for now. Ps3 has bright future ahead of itself if you ask me. As of right now, Sony is in a Win and Lose situation. Ps3 is not doing as great as the X360 and Wii, but these two consoles are having a really hard time breaking into Ps2's market share, and I've got latest NPD statistics to back it up if needed. And its only about to get even worse with God Of War 2 in February - Make this the automatic highest selling title for the 1st Quarter of 2007 among all consoles right here.
^^Looks like you have no clue about business. Nintendo survived through the years solely by making its hardware cheap to manufacture. Nintendo made a profit on every single N64/GameCube/Wii that got sold till date. Why did sega die? Cos it followed the subsidizing policy. The sega of today has hardly anything common with the sega of yesteryear. Only the software division survived since it was profitable. However the hardware division was completely written off. The difference between both these companies and Sony with its PS3 is that Sony is taking a huge huge loss on every single console being produced whereas Nintendo didn't lose money on the hardware. So effectively if you buy a PS3 and don't buy any game or buy bootlegs, you are putting the nails into sony's coffin. In case you didn't know, Microsoft lost around 3 billion in the last gen. How did it come out with a new console? Cos XBOX was not its bread and butter and it had lots of money that came in from the OS and Software market. Had it been any other "game" company, it would have been dead and buried long ago. You don't get a second chance in the game console business.... unless you are filthy rich. Granted sony is a bigger corporation, but the amount of money it has spent on Bluray and PS3, if either bombs, its screwed. Also in case you didn't know, now most retailers in the US are faced with an excess stock of PS3 consoles cos its not selling... not selling at all... why? Cos it has no games to play as of now.
So if ps3 fails, Sony is finished, right?

I still won't bite into it. Ps2 and PSP will keep fetching them profits, Bluray isn't failing with 90% studio backing.
PS2 will RIP by 2008. So forget almost any profits from the PS2 side after this year.PSP does not enjoy any of the mass support that either of the consoles do. So nothing much from the PSP as well. So sony's current laurels are its Blu ray ( if it fails sony is dead) and the PS3 which is already not doing good business . And if the MGS4 does not do good business, then Sony will RIP
Bottom line, Sony is going nowhere without a fight.... the battle's just begun, let's see what transpires this year :)
PS3 is a masterpiece in any way you look at it! It truly deserves the award. Finally sony has done something good after all the bad feedback last year :)
i think the true battle will begin once a top title for ps3 is released. specially 1 from the old school that was on ps1 & ps2. gran turismo, tekken, mgs & final fantasy. people mainly keep talking crap about ps3 mainly because there arent any titles for it yet which is very true, but once ps3 starts delivering titles which i am sure they will this year, all those ppl will then start praising the console.
AS PSP2 is comin...sony might have not see bankruptcy very soon...although the prices of PS3 cannot be dropped...cos if they do so..it wud be taken as "Sony's afraid & they have made a loss making proposition." so they'll have to make it up by churning out good development kits & good quality games....Also they shud have jus Brought GOD OF WAR 2 on PS3..it wud have been a sure shot system seller....WAT SAY???
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