IGN picks PS3 as best new console of 2006

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KingKrool said:
It can be good, it can be bad, but it is not a masterpiece. There isn't enough difference with the competition to make it so.

On paper, it looks much better than the 360 or the wii. But yea, you are right in a way. It probably isn't miles ahead of the other consoles.
True, but raw processing power is useless if it can't be harnessed. As for Linux support, I am a Linux lover, but if I wanted a Linux PC I would buy one. Plus, it is a matter of time before they get Linux working on the X360 (modded ones at least).

It may be better, but not by big enough a margin.
Linux is just there on the Ps3 to make it into an overall PC for casual surfers. It'll have browsers, office programs, media players, and will emulate older consoles.

Read somewhere Ps3 runs Linux at the speed of a P3 machine, and yet the linux doesn't have full 3d acceleration support, which only Sony or some really good Linux programmers can give for an other way around.
^^Casual Surfers won't have either the enthu nor the knowledge to installing linux or fix it later to get drivers installed. With new hardware, linux is a PITA for ppl who are experienced in it, let alone newbs.
Oh come on are you kidding me? I could pull out 100's of kiddy easy video tutorials that explain every thing step-by-step in 60 seconds from youtube!

Linux/drivers installing is no problems cause. They know the Ps3 is not intended outside casual stuff even when it comes to Linux.
Nope. I've never tried Linux before (I have installed Win98 and WinXp myself when my new rig came, though), but from the looks of how many people got linux running on their Ps3's after launch and looking at the massive amount of tutorials all over the interweb I don't think its difficult at all :P

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Who's really casual enough to not find those tutorials easy shouldn't even try anything outside playing games on the Ps3. I for one would like to buy a 200gb hard drive with the Ps3 for game demo's, psp and ps1 downloads and media which is going to replace my phillips 5106k Divx player in my living room , for an example :P
I agree with Params7 that installing Linux on the PS3 is probably very easy.


Because there are installations specific to the PS3. Since the hardware is fixed (for the most part), the developers of these distributions can do all the work for you. In any case, Linux driver installation has become a lot easier especially with dkms.

The thing with 3d acceleration is that drivers are not available. There are no open source drivers for nVidia cards that can be modified. So unless nVidia decides to be nice and modify their existing drivers ever so slightly to recognize the proprietary card and compile to a PPC platform, no one will be running any 3d acceleration on those machines any time soon.

I don't see why Linux should run as slow as on a P3 - after all they do have a full fledged (or as full fledged as needed anyway) PPC core in there. The problem probably lies in the amount of RAM.
i think that PS3 deserves the award...though it's not doing so good after the launch and a lot of criticism going on...maybe yeah PS3 is not a masterpiece ..or maybe the gamers expected something better..but what i think is it surely ..looks damn sexy dont know about the games...cauz havent played..any..and yeah i have played a few games on X360..and they too are really superb..

so to say maybe PS3 would have done better if it could compete with the X360 prices..and was a launced a bit early. but still the next gen console war has just begun and i feel PS3 is gonna emerge as the winner (dunno why i feel so..but still for me PS3 rocks...i would surely get it if i had the moolah..)
All this talk about potential and unexpected fortune is pretty stupid. They should be rating the PS3 for what it is currently. I mean, every one of us has the potential to be brilliant in life, but it's unlikely any of us will be winning any noble prizes or the next olympics any time soon.
CkNish said:
All this talk about potential and unexpected fortune is pretty stupid. They should be rating the PS3 for what it is currently.

Ps3 just launched, with hardly any launch games, R FoM being one.

Ps3 is nothing now, has nothing now. Its just a big 600$ chump that plays Bluray movies and R FoM and bunch O' other ports which nobody cares about. Same for Wii and Zelda. Its what the consoles will offer that decides the customers it'll get.
Its just like ATI vs nVidia... There will always be people who will vouch for one over the other... And then there will be people who probably will just own any one of these consoles and would not give a shit about which ones fair better as they already will know that owning any one of them makes them happy enough...
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