IIS on Vista

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I'm having this strange problem with my 64-bit Vista SP1 on my laptop.

I want to enable the IIS on my laptop so just like I did on my desktop, I proceeded to Control Panel>Programs>Turn Windows features on and off

Now as soon as I click on it th box opens up but unlike my desktop(same OS)where a list of services like Telnet,IIS and SNMP etc should be present, here in this case the box is empty.

WTH is wrong here and how to fix it? Is this because I haven't updated the OS, i.e. I have kept Automatic Updates OFF ?

Check the screeny:
Did you wait for a while? Maybe it's taking a bit of time to load the lists. Can't think of anything else, never seen any problem like this.
Yup! Posted the same query in TD forum and got similar response. The thing is there is no Please Wait... loading screen type stuff going on. I've seen that in my desktop where it works just fine but on the laptop, just empty box appears.
Since I didn't want to perform a system restore so I skipped the 2nd method but in the 1st method, it is instructed to Run System File Checker. I tried to do so but upon executing the the Sfc/scannow command in command prompt, I got this-
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Rudra Pratap>Sfc/scannow

Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service.

C:\Users\Rudra Pratap>
What to do now as I even tried double-checking the status of Windows Trusted Installer under Services.msc and there was none!
My account is the Administrator account but still I tried to execute the Sfc command as Administrator by running the command shell as the Administrator but still nothing happened. If it isn't fixed quick, I'll wait for 2 more days for my BB connection to be back online and then will update everything through Automatic Updates and see if that works and if that too fails then its reformat time. :@
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