[D]igital [D]eath said:
ur isp has blocked the ports and thats the reasonf or this..
if u have hlsw, there si tracert option in that as well, try that and trace some sg servers and se if u can do it...
[D]igital [D]eath said:
techboy said:How do high pings matter?
If speeds are fine then what is the prob?
Even if you had Airtel or any other connection, an average of about 10-12kpbs won't always be attained, at times you will get the same 5kbps or so.
Rave said:500 ms = 5 seconds ( 1 second has 100 ms )
which means, if you shoot now it hits (registers) at the server after 5 seconds, now obviously the person you are shooting at will be well gone pass that point in 5 seconds time meaning u hit nothing but air...
hunt3r said:500 ms = 0.5 secs, not 5 secs :bleh:
[D]igital [D]eath said:So it IS my cable wallas prob, I knew it.Those morons kept saying its a problem with my lan card wtf? :rofl:
Originally Posted by [D]igital [D]eath
I went the whatsmyip.com and it is the same everytime I re-connect.
yours then obviously is a static ip