IMP :A Steam Converstaion

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! 0 t A

I was watching 24 , its 3 AM :cool2:. . I get this chat request from this guy and he gives me this link to this site that i know is know for fooling people to give in their account infos.

Now i did'nt want to get all Jack Bauerish on this guy , here is the conversation :

Boby [CS-Master]: hy! login and download the free games:


Boby [CS-Master]: hy. login end download. good luck!


[RABBIDS] ! 0 DAAAAAAA: i can download the games from the link you gave me ?

Boby [CS-Master]:

[RABBIDS] ! 0 DAAAAAAA: or maybe one thing would be more appropriate ?

[RABBIDS] ! 0 DAAAAAAA: how about i VAC BAN your ASS FOREVER ?

[RABBIDS] ! 0 DAAAAAAA: f@#$#g fisher

[RABBIDS] ! 0 DAAAAAAA: get the f@$k away from my account !!

Boby [CS-Master] is now Offline.

And during this time i reported him in violation of "User Conduct" ! Beware of such loosers.

:boxing22:*ISSUED IN PUBLIC INTEREST*:boxing22:

DISCLAIMER : Please do not go to that site. .even if you do , DO NOT FILL IN YOUR DETAILS.
Happened sooooooo many times with me.

The losers use this command "/me" and then type whatever they want, which as per them would seem very professional kinda..

Please it's a humble request @ all the steam users, Do Not Give Your Usernames and Password whatsoever the reason is!
you might want to edit the link there iota. at the very least, don't make it a live link. you won't believe how many people might just click it without thinking.
spindoctor said:
you might want to edit the link there iota. at the very least, don't make it a live link. you won't believe how many people might just click it without thinking.

No way. I didn't click it, what ever anyone else says. :ashamed:

Fortunately, Chrome marked it as a phishing site and didn't let me through. :rofl:
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