Implementing OAuth in QML

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As the title suggests , can someone recommend resources for reading up on implementing OAuth in QML ?

Been reading this :

ut could do with some additional resources. If someone is feeling particularly generous and could explain it via chat or something.. that would be amazing
#dhruvrock2000 Have PMed you my skype id if you need to discuss something inappropriate for a public forum (Specific site names/code etc). Rest of the discussion we can continue here. I've never done QML, but would hope to help you out around OAuth.
OAuth is fairly complex protocol due that fact you need to perform full "OAuth Dance". However, if you can manage to get your hands o a Library which has implemented the protocol. Its peaice of cake

This comes from personnel experiences, as I tried to implement OAuth without using any library & it was a mess!

Btw,QML looks similar to javascript. so maybe, I could help. Hence, what error are you getting? Where you are stuck?
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