Hi Guys,
Anyone here with experience of importing computer hardware ? I have an opportunity to supply PC for a State owned co-operative in West Bengal. Plan to import small size PC(thin client) components to give client a better space and power utilization and also OEM 15" LCD (India prices are fire compare to Taiwan).
Now this is first time I am thinking of importing stuffs. If you have experience with importing / or if you know some one who has the knowledge please drop me a PM with details, I will contact. Do not worry, I will take few minutes of your valuable time only, wont do Telemarketing
If my own import goes well I plan to bring some stuffs for TE members as well.
Lets take sample of $5000 worth of goods need to import. how much will add up when it enter into India.
Anyone here with experience of importing computer hardware ? I have an opportunity to supply PC for a State owned co-operative in West Bengal. Plan to import small size PC(thin client) components to give client a better space and power utilization and also OEM 15" LCD (India prices are fire compare to Taiwan).
Now this is first time I am thinking of importing stuffs. If you have experience with importing / or if you know some one who has the knowledge please drop me a PM with details, I will contact. Do not worry, I will take few minutes of your valuable time only, wont do Telemarketing

If my own import goes well I plan to bring some stuffs for TE members as well.
Lets take sample of $5000 worth of goods need to import. how much will add up when it enter into India.