Improving typing skills on Computer Keyboard vs Keyboard on Laptop.

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I keep improving my typing skills/speed/accuracy on Computer Keybaord, once/twice a month using Typing Master Pro..

Anyone else does something similar ?

I have noted my productivity + typing goes down by 50%, if I am using keyboard on laptop.. (any suggestions here)
improving typing isn't that complicated. it requires more patience and endurance than any specific kind of tool to get you better. basically, get on any typing practice tool like monkeytype or typeracer multiple times a day, as long as its fun. text with your friends, use the computer and try to "guess" where the letters are without looking down at the keyboard. yes, guessing will slow you down but it will also help build a muscle memory for you, and when you make a mistake enough times, you learn! and then you remember. the next time, you won't make that mistake and bam, you just got 1% faster. keep doing that until you hit a plateau.

good luck!
Touch typing will completely revolutionize your typing experience. You will be typing at above 70 words per minute easily once you learn it. You can go even further typing at 100 WPM is no big deal.

For that purpose you only need to visit this one site (I have found this is the best one out there), its free, make account, and do the chapters. If you are busy just give 5-10 minutes a day to this. You will be up to speed in no time.

Just stick to this one site in the beginning and follow the instructions, and never ever look down on the keys. If you are looking down you are doing it wrong. Be it laptop or desktop your typing speed shouldn't differ much, because the layout is the same.

Thanks me later after the results.
  1. This is assuming you already know touch typing. If you don't then learn it using typing master pro. You should be able to do 20-30 WPM before moving on.
  2. Practice on monkeytype. Instead of using default settings, feed it few paragraphs from a book and type those. I have typed 3 books of SH on monkeytype. You'll enjoy your practice.
  3. Practice at least an hour daily separated into a few sessions.
  4. Additionally, type the top 10k English words in monkeytype. That helps.
  5. You should learn to type like typewriters (without resting palms). You'll biceps hurt initially. But it's more ergonomic and better in the longer term. I think it'll also help you with the laptops.
  6. Practice and then take strong tea/coffee. It'll help you to learn faster.
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Learn to navigate the keyboard the keys using: asdf & jkl;. Once you are adept with the reach, stop looking. But you will not be able too.

So..put a cloth over the keyboard, so even if you look you cannot see. Now feel they keys (or sense) to type. That is the key. To type without looking down. I type 70+ WAM (depends on the keyboard), since was taught typing at school, with cloths covering our hand. Those days...Shaolin
Learn to navigate the keyboard the keys using: asdf & jkl;. Once you are adept with the reach, stop looking. But you will not be able too.

So..put a cloth over the keyboard, so even if you look you cannot see. Now feel they keys (or sense) to type. That is the key. To type without looking down. I type 70+ WAM (depends on the keyboard), since was taught typing at school, with cloths covering our hand. Those days...Shaolin
Never thought about putting a cloth and trying typing.. will definitely give this a try.
My average typing speed is 58 - 78 WPM, when accuracy goes down, I spend few minutes back on touch typing basics.
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Whats your computer keyboard, is it membrane or mechanical? One should be able to type much faster on a laptop kb, than on a mechanical kb. Its basic math as them laptops have least travel distance and resistance. However, at the same time, for those who are not accurate the lack of resistance could/will lead to more typos/errors. I type at around 85 wpm on laptop/membrane. ~70 on mech.
To improve typing as others said its rather simple really:
1- Type slow. Accuracy is the key, not speed.
2- Use of fingers. More you utilise, easier and faster it will be.
3- Patience
4- Practice.
Not going to mention touch typing thing as I dont know anyone who has above 45 wpm speed and not a touch typist.

The first thing I do after turning my system on is to take a type test on that 10ff site, the competition mode that is. It helps me to understand whether I am overly stressed or normally stressed on that day. I would not advise coffee or similar to get your adrenaline going just for the sake of typing speed, unless it pays you, pays well I mean.
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